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Everything posted by adminbaberuth

  1. Bot 4 Jasper.......000-0..........0-1-2 Huffman....410-2..........7-7-1 Keith Arnold pitching for Huffman Williams.....k's....1 out Schmidt.....inf single.....1 out Morris.......3B....run scores....1 out Menda...SF, run scores...2 out Hill...BB Bagley....
  2. Top 4 Jasper.......000-0..........0-1-1 Huffman....410.............5-6-1 Gilbert...PO...1 out Kines ...PO....2 out Chapman....K's....3 out
  3. Bot 3 Jasper.......000...........0-1-1 Huffman....41.............5-6-1 Bagley.....FO-8...1 out Kenna...1B to center...1 out Lewis...K's......2 out Sikes......runner moves to 2nd on wild PO....K's..3 out
  4. Top 3 Jasper.......000...........0-1-1 Huffman....41.............5-5-1 Hart...5-3... 1 out Parsons.....FO-8... 2 outs Ellis...E4.....2 outs Alvis......3 U...3 outs
  5. They are on Alvis at the moment. Bot 2nd Jasper.......00.............0-1-1 Huffman....41.............5-5-0 Williams....inf single, error runner moves to 2nd... 0 outs Schmidt....FO 9......1 out Morris...WP, runner to 3rd.......SF, run scores 2 outs Menda.....BB...2 outs Hill.....stolen base......4-3...3 outs
  6. Top 2nd Jasper.......0 Huffman....4 Kines...made the great catch last inning...HBP..no outs Chapman....k's..1 out Reagan......k's...2 out Alexander.....FO CF.. 3 outs
  7. Bottom 1st Jasper.......0 Huffman....4 Morris...3b by Morris..no outs Menda....PO out Alvis.. 1 out Hill...Pass Ball, run scores... single by Hill Bagley...singles, runners at 1st and 3rd...1 out Kenney....singles, run scores, runners at 1st and 2nd....1 out Lewis.....WP, runners move up.....FO to CF..SF run scores..2 out Sikes.. pass ball, runs scores..great catch ..3 0uts
  8. Top 1st Jasper.......0 Huffman.... Ellis, Parson's moves to second on WP...1 out Arnold pitching for Huffman........1 out Ellis k's 2 out... Alvis reaches on error, runners on 1st and 3rd .... 2out Gilbert....FO to Rf. Huffman comes to bat
  9. Coop get details, score is fine, but details
  10. That is unbelievable. Both teams gutting it up, especially Barrera and Schooling.
  11. Schooling with a rubber arm as he just pitched 7 Thursday. Did BH come back with Game 1 starter Hales?
  12. 18-13 Final I guess Hudson will play winner of Jasper/Huffman series.
  13. 17- 13 Hudson, HJ runner on 1st 6th inning.
  14. Can't verify, I know they have used 3 so far. Cubs still batting in top 7, 11-6.
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