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Everything posted by hfaninthestands

  1. Moral Victories Yeah!!!!
  2. I wonder if it had a visor
  3. geesh... next update, how many times he went a took a leak before lunch and in what stall 8)
  4. helluva lot better than Dancing with the Stars
  5. Complete.Total.Domination
  6. my gosh people, mix in a pm...
  7. back to the original topic... HF shocks HJ..wins by 3
  8. well then, you must live next door
  9. this is the post of the night...
  10. good thing my boss doesn't monitor interweb usage
  11. your welcome, but i only have one f in hfaninthestands...geesh
  12. just bored tonight...MNF is boring..kids are asleep
  13. here ya go...its the best i can do with MS paint
  14. wow, that's a lot of pressure....i havn't really read anything that i can run with yet...give it a couple of days and someone will write something especially stupid, thus providing plenty of ammunition for a well-thought smart-a$$ shocker... stay tuned, same bat time, same bat channel...
  15. One time a buddy of mine tried to set me up on a blind date, she called and insisted in golden corral buffet.... 8)
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