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Everything posted by hfaninthestands

  1. you must be off the chart smart just like me
  2. the title of this thread had me wondering if evadale had a girls football team..
  3. please explain because a lot of people are curious what's going on..
  4. overrated? 1. jack in the box tacos at 1 am 2. kilz primer(more work than necessary)
  5. so let me summize what is going on in this thread: 1. Jasper Won 2. WOS lost 3. Jasper dominated in all three phases of the game. 4. WOS bandwagon claims a laundry list of excuses. 5. Jasper counters with a longer laundry list, but still managed to win. 6. Personnel issues for WOS???????? WTF? Really personnel? You could name 2 guys from the entire district that could start for WOS and you guys are claiming personnel issues? 7. It's late I'm tired, but it puts a smile on my face reading every excuse weather man comes up with, because each one is more outlandish than the other..
  6. good job HJ, you guys are quietly becoming a contender
  7. i know one for sure the h-d jv team...they get three page threads, and i don't even have the slightest clue what channel the h-d jv team comes on
  8. if it was girls basketball espn would do a story, documentary, E:60 episode, and a OTL...then the coach would be fired..
  9. who do we actually trust to give us ratings? Coop? come'on he's fixated on doppler stuff and green screens..
  10. so what you are saying we would be at the top and the bottom of the kewlest uniform statistical column?
  11. hi everyone, its just me Hfan, dwelling in the cellar...
  12. wait a sec.. where is the column of the statistical dominance of kewlest uniforms? HF wins that one hands down.
  13. does everyone have a really young team? that's all i read about on these boards
  14. the combined IQ on this thread is -7
  15. cleveland wins this one
  16. based on what i have read, it seems as though 14 penalties is being used as a spoon to stir the pot
  17. glad to be back, i took a slight hiatus...mainly desperate times call for desperate measures, and in this case going from high speed to dial up...
  18. i heard the problems are from the fieldgoals not being regulation size..
  19. jeez, i wonder what his brother is going to do when he goes to college and there are 5 websites just like this one, with 1000 people on each one... its gonna take a lot of effort to moniter all those threads
  20. i was just hoping my post would make this thread 16 pages...that's all
  21. how come when someone shares his/her opinion, then they get called ridiculous names like jealous haters?
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