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Posts posted by hfaninthestands

  1. gotta agree with madness...

    I would like to see a compiled list of kids that went on to play at the next level. either traveled all over the place or just hung around and caught glances based on high school play and a phone call...

    maybe its just because I am from fannett, we don't really like the Wal-Marts, and the Chili's....we like green acres grocery and carmelita's mexican/plate lunch cafe.....

    To each is own, if you have the cash pay the gas, if you can't go on a spending spree, better get on the tee....

  2. It's August. Alot could happen between now and February. Kids could get hurt playing football' date=' basketball, etc. All teams are even until district starts. [b']Kirbyville started 1-13 last year and got in and went 2 rounds. Hj started 2-7 and went 2 rounds.

    Last time i checked this is 06 not 04.

    Give it up Nasty, You are a troll, with no insight.....think of something clever so when you re sitting in class and ask to go to the restroom next period you can run to the computer lab and type in a remark....

  3. Congrats!!!!!!! Weren't they in a super-regional last year?

    Select has had a strong influnece in local signings, such as:

    Ehlert-A&M, SETX Sundevils

    Dishon-LSU, SETX Sundevils

    Ferguson-Ole' Miss, SETX Sundevils

    Dugas-Texas Pan Am, Houston Heat

    Gotta Disagree with this Bears....Maybe its because they have tools and talent...Select didn't hurt/ but i wouldn't say strong influence....

    Its amazing that there was even college baseball worth watching before the invent of select baseball....

  4. Besides that what about the other parts of what I wrote?

    Ok I will start with a couple of things.....First Don't call out any other players on a message board, and frankly the fact that mod's havn't erased this is a wonder....

    Thats my biased opinion

    Maybe b/c j.wright is your offspring

    There are many more statements in your post that are wrong and I will list as follows

    Hes the fastest kid on the team

    He's not even the fastest kid in his grade much less on the team

    Definately the best athlete on the team

    Wrong again, that guy is standing at X

    almost outran all of the secondary to the endzone

    If he is so fast, then why can't he outrun a slow horrible secondary

    QB play will be the diff. as usual at HF.

    Yo, Lombardi, way to go out on a limb here, isn't this the case EVERYWHERE!!!!!

    Walker refuses to play an athlete at position like WOS does.

    Well, If we could all have a Beasley or Franks, then this might work out...

    Courville has a suspect arm and came in about 20lbs heavier than last year. The wrong kind of heavy!

    So now you're a QB coach and a weight-loss specialist

    RB's are not instinctive enough to be effective and none are home run threats

    But how can they be, you have already pointed out the the line is horrible

    HF will not be very good, but they are very young...Hopefully we can pull out 3 wins...

  5. If you are nine years old (which i hope you are not not, many 9 year olds can name a starting lineup on a varsity team included letterman lost,much less if they want a red ring pop or a blue one) then get your A$$ in class.... and tell your 4th grade homeroom teacher to wake up, and for you to stop eating glue


  6. I think HJ wins or at least finishes 2nd in that district. They have Kevin Roebuck returning in the outfield' date=' Taylor Monse pitching, Lane Helveston crushing the ball as the DH, and now Dylan Lundy at SS or 2nd.[/quote']

    well no where did i proclaim any type of finish or predict a title run in THE MIDDLE OF AUGUST!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    don't know if you have heard nasty boy, but HJ is in a new district.....

    Good Luck to the hawks and to their 3rd head coach in 3 years...

  7. This is a really cood website

    HF vs Soutlake Carroll.....closer than i thought

    at Hamshire-Fannett (Hamshire, TX)

    [2005] Carroll (Southlake, TX) 52, [2005] Hamshire-Fannett (Hamshire, TX) 3

    at Carroll (Southlake, TX)

    [2005] Carroll (Southlake, TX) 56, [2005] Hamshire-Fannett (Hamshire, TX) 0

    at neutral site

    [2005] Carroll (Southlake, TX) 55, [2005] Hamshire-Fannett (Hamshire, TX) 0

    at Hamshire-Fannett (Hamshire, TX)

    [2001] De La Salle (Concord, CA) 60, [2005] Hamshire-Fannett (Hamshire, TX) 0

    at De La Salle (Concord, CA)

    [2001] De La Salle (Concord, CA) 62, [2005] Hamshire-Fannett (Hamshire, TX) 0

    at neutral site

    [2001] De La Salle (Concord, CA) 62, [2005] Hamshire-Fannett (Hamshire, TX) 0

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