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Everything posted by hfaninthestands

  1. did they call it after 5 or play a full 7?
  2. :shock: Share the wealth...
  4. ok thanks Simon, ....it was meant to be cheesy.... a lot like that OWHO?
  5. those comments are weak weak weak......a lot like your lineup
  6. Hi, My name is Hfaninthestands, I agree to talk smack... throw me a lure
  7. 11 posts in an hour pretty impressive excuse me sir, your caps lock is on
  8. read the announcements hey, your caps button is on
  9. why are you yelling at everyone?
  10. [q Its just a chance to let a bunch of very talented kids on the field at the same time.
  11. do you even read the announcements around here???? fahking ridiculous....give it a break....the coach isn't the reason you or your son sucks....
  12. To Copy and Paste from KFDM COOP Yup!
  13. Lotta first time posters hanging around this thread statdude couple of questions 1. Are you going to be ok? 2. Will you please tell us how you really feel? This could be as good as :pp
  14. Well I never made a page of an ESPN article but the ocho called me to cover the HFWS opening day
  15. There is already a thread on this game.... dont be afraid to visit page 2 [Hidden Content]
  16. I think this has to do with the direction of 'everybody is a winner' my nephew ran in a 7th grade track meet...finished last in the 3rd heat....only 3 people ran in the slowest heat....he got a 3rd place ribbon... dumb IMHO
  17. Just thought we could call roll for the biggest warm-up game of the century :wink: ..... HFaninthestands will be there
  18. Congrats... Havn't seen these guy pitch, but anyone who advances to the next level should consider themselves fortunate....Its a direct reflection of hard work, ability, instruction, and maybe a little luck....
  19. 1st Team Breakdown: Bridge City: 8 Hardin Jeff: 3 Hamshire: 3 WOS: 2 OF: 2 Ana: 1 Since when did sparks do anything other than pitch? Utility :shock: Why no Casey Jackson for newcomer? or maybe offensive MVP... OF pitcher 1st team? wow... Ayers DH'ed???? Since when? MVP offense? I thought it would be someone with some jacks? anyway...congrats to all
  20. I think BC lost in Hamshire in that same year....Jamey Knight misses homeplate on a homerun and ump calls him out..... Wow, how good are you when you have to go back 5 years to find a loss... amazing
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