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Everything posted by aeropro7

  1. thank you. that grand prix was when i was 12 and just started playing. i dont think i had even played a zat yet. players improve.
  2. i second that. sarah is a super 14 who knock the snot out of the ball. If she would get a serve and a net game she would compete with the top players in the area. A tie break is 7 points (or 10). Anyone can beat anyone in such a small amount of playing. Man you all dont know about Wehner. He works hard. He wakes up early morning and runs miles. Hes gonna be a hell of a player this year. So people that are watchin tv and playin video games this summer. He is gonna pass you up. Get out and practice and we will see this season.
  3. man i guarantee you that garsnare knows more about tennis than you ever will. Wehner is a champ 18. he won 3 matches in his first tournament last weekend. And garsnare was a pretty good player in his day. he can still probably beat me. trust me man....you don't know who arguing with.
  4. This is 100% correct. The most accurate list on here.
  5. Dude what are you talkin about? I have never played Scott. Ask him.
  6. The above lists was more or less accurate. But here is mine as of right now. Minick and Word arent on it because they are not in high school anymore. 1) Deavers 2) Desai 3) Bug 4) Boone 5) Scott Carnley Carnely and Wehner are even 5) Wehner 7) Weidenfield 8) Jude Layne
  7. sportsfan07 is right. Tyler came to ETA once or twice with Scott to play doubles. I saw him hit for awhile before the match. Wehner who is in champ 18 would more than likely destroy you. and the reason he played 2 B draw tournaments is because you can only have 2 players in A draw from the same school. Bug and Kenton played a draw singles thats why.
  8. If you dont believe us why dont you go out to Brentwood C.C. on a weekday and see for yourself. We practice 9:30-12 break 1:30-4. Is that enough for you man? ETA players are working the hardest at the best program.
  9. Where's the depth? every division has at least one or two studds. 2a cant be as deep as tapps
  10. Zach has coached at ELite Tennis Academy and he told us that he coaches kids in houston every other weekend. So i guess he is so good of a coach that he coaches his kids 4 days and month and they are ranked usta players? hell no. he just helps out at some high school. those kids have a full time coach and its not him.
  11. there are only 2 people that are even registered on this website from Elite Tennis Academy. so i guess your telling me that every single thing that gets started on here comes from those two people? not likely..
  12. are you kidding? TAPPS is just private schools. private school means you pay tuition. paying tuition means you have a good amount of money. a good amount of money means you can afford more practice and lessons from better coaches. More practice and lessons from better coaches means better players. and better players means more competitive. TAPPS tennis is just a bunch of rich kids with top notch coaching, gear, and talent. And 6A is as big as it gets. I guarantee that TAPPS 6A is at least 4A. The kid who won TAPPS 6a is a top 20 super champ 18 from houston. in the finals he beat a guy who is 50 in super 18's. your not in TAPPS. you have never seen TAPPS tournaments. and don't say you have cause you haven't. you can't compare it to UIL.
  13. High school tennis is going to be really competitive this coming season. Grant Lopez of Nederland is a super champ 14. Lain Herr of Cathedral is a superchamp 14. and Bug of Kelly(sophomore) is a super champ 14. Do you think any of these state ranked players will give Deaver a run for his money?
  14. list is pretty much right except Boone from Kelly could beat word and carnley handly.
  15. alright man word and carnley got to the 2A state finals in DOUBLES. not singles. is your list based on doubles or singles? and 2A is nothin like 6A TAPPS. and the whole kelly tennis team (all go to ETA) made it to state. I and a kid goin into 9th grade beat word and carnley in strait sets.
  16. Well the 3 tournaments that you made the finals of had neither Deaver or Desai. So if you want to count those then go ahead. I just don't think that you are in the top 3.
  17. Actually babolat guy, his name is Stern Yeh and he is in champ 16's
  18. Man, you are incredibly wrong. Boys singles- 1. Matthew Deaver Minic didn't make to the finals of one tournament. Boys Doubles- 1. Boone, Wehner. 2. Carnley, Word Girls- Salina
  19. Dude, chill. Again, TBS would more than likely smoke you.
  20. Thank you for taking the time to look this info up. It is appreciated.
  21. Next year will probably be alot of Deavers.....if he works hard over the summer. The kids at ETA are putting in 5 hours a day all summer. So anyone from there can give Deavers a run if they continue to improve. Boone, Bug, Wehner, all have a chance. And Sum_1 chill out on TBS. He would probably beat you 1 and 1.
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