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Everything posted by westend1

  1. Most liberals don't agree with that kind of garbage. It's a small group. I'm guessing most conservatives don't agree with their fringe elements either.
  2. What is that? 7-8 free passes? Can't beat good teams like that.
  3. Low scoring game for sure. I would guess Ozen wins this one by 7.
  4. See west1 even the purple people know who was the best! ;D I'm just comparing high school stats, and there doesn't seem to be much difference. That's why I had them tied. I wonder if some of these people even saw both Jamaal and CMike play? I bet most did not.
  5. History and everyday events tells us that most individuals are selected based on their popularity or who they know. Or better known as the good ole boy system. I think the timing was just right for a person like Obama to come in and win (obviously). What I didn't like was the hatred that came out towards the man. And I just think that he had a very effective, successful marketing strategy. Sometimes, I think that life experiences are as important and vital in a leader as experience as an elected official. And, I would have to agree that his "marketing strategy" was very successful...but that doesn't mean that he will be any less effective than Bush. Besides, every campaign (presidential or not) is a marketing strategy Yes, all elections are marketing strategies, but President Obama's was, to me, more effective than most that I have seen in my lifetime. Why do I think this? Simple. Like most good advertisers, President Obama played more on slogans and emotions than he did points, plans, or experience. That, to me, is the single biggest problem with this election. I believe that more people cast an ignorant vote for both sides than in any other election in our history, and it saddens me to see our nation hit such a time in our history. I have to disagree, here. I think he won because he picked up a lot of white votes that nobody expected. He got those votes based on his platform, plans and experience, not emotion. An obviously smart guy, who promised to get us out of Iraq and not cower down in the face of the right -wing religious fanatics. It's what the majority of the voters wanted to hear. They also wanted a leader who would try to mend relations with the rest of the world. Good idea or not, the voters like this plan as well. He won because people wanted a change in direction, but not just any change. They like his ideas.
  6. They are out. I hear the game was meaningless and several seniors chose not to attend so that they could go to the prom. The program is in disarray.
  7. Seems to me that McCain was too worried about what Obama was doing. He should have just picked the best candidate and trust the voters to be smart enough to figure it out. I don't know how you can say that Palin was best under the circumstances. She was either the best, or she was not. I do get your points, however, about trying to separate himself from Bush.
  8. Her experience is a Governor for 2 years and a Mayor for 10 years. Name me some of those bright, articulate, accomplished GOP women who have been doing big things in government and in the business world for years. You have NOTHING to support that argument. : : Partial List of Republican Women More Qualified to be President Than Sarah Palin posted by Gatemouth Fri, 08/29/2008 - 11:04pm Senators: Lisa Murkowski, Alaska(?!?); Olympia Snowe, Maine; Susan Collins, Maine; Elizabeth Dole North Carolina; Kay Bailey Hutchison, Texas Governors: Oline Walker, Utah; Linda Lingle, Hawaii, M. Jodi Rell, Connecticut Members of the House: Ileana Ros-Lehtinen Florida; Deborah Pryce, Ohio; Barbara Cubin, Wyoming; Sue Myrick North Carolina; Jo Ann Emerson, Missouri; Kay Granger, Texas; Mary Bono, California; Heather Wilson , New Mexico; Judith Borg Biggert , Illinois; Shelley Moore Capito, West Virginia; Marsha Blackburn, Tennessee; Ginny Brown-Waite, Florida; Candice Miller, Michigan; Marilyn Musgrave, Colorado; Thelma Drake, Virginia; Virginia Foxx, North Carolina; Cathy McMorris Rodgers, West Virginia; Jean Schmidt, Ohio Cabinet: Condoleezza Rice, Secretary of State; Elaine Chao, Secretary of Labor; Margaret Spellings, Secretary of Education; Mary Peters, Secretary of Transportation; Susan Schwab, US Special Trade Representative
  9. And I bet you think Palin could run the country, don't you? Her resume looks a lot better than Obamas Really? Now what is her educational background? She is a college grad. However, her executive experience is a Governor for 2 years and a Mayor for 10 years. He has no executive experience. I can't believe that anybody thinks running a podunk town in alaska qualifies them for anything. Her choice guaranteed the doom of McCain.
  10. Rivals.com says that Charles averaged 7.3 yards per carry as a junior and 7.9 as a senior.
  11. I agree...Not many better than C. Michaels, but J. Charles. Jamaal had 4105 yards rushing and 52 TD's in two years. 2051 yds his Jr. year and then 2054 yrds his Sr. year (in just 9 games). I don't have his receiving stats or his Sophomore season stats. In his first game back from shoulder surgery, posted 371 yards on 49 carries against Midland Lee in 2004 ... Had 400 yards on 31 carries and six TDs versus Spring Westfield. Great numbers against great competition. Point made, badndn. However, Michaels achieved those numbers while sharing the backfield with other good backs like Albert Williams, Jordan Garrett, Jeremy Cooper, ect. If he had been the only back playing, I'm quite sure his numbers would have been as good as, or better than Charles'. As it was, Jamal was the feature back when he was in HS, and subsequently got all the carries, while Michaels was sharing the RB duties. If you have to share duties that means your not good enough to have that job. J.Charles was the man he would have taken Williams and Michael's job, making him da man @ wb. No receiving yards but he was a kick returner, and at the mid point of the season they stop kicking it deep, so those yards should go to him. J. Charles was the man. Stupid post. Williams had Big 12 schools recruiting him. Because Michael shared a backfield with williams, he wasn't "good enough to have that job"? Isn't it amazing that LSU wanted him since he wasn't very good?
  12. Doesn't sound too good, but, an independent arbitrator heard the evidence and thought he had been punished enough. That's as good as you can expect in this situation.
  13. williams had over 1300 yards as a junior. Of course, he suffered a knee injury early in his senior year, which allowed Michael to play full time. As a junior, williams rushed for 293 yards against Baytown Lee.
  14. You know, as I think of it, Albert Williams was better than anyone on this list except the top two. Remember, he was ranked as the 103rd best back in the nation at Scout.com before his senior season began, and was recruited by several major colleges.
  15. 1. Charles 1. Michael 3 ????? No comparison
  16. Yes they do but I'm on a per gun lease where they hunt off my tags. I think it should have been done 25 years ago. It is ashame that it needed to be done by law but just looking at the east Texas deer herd explains why it was needed. Killing half year old and one and a half year old deer is nonsense but the standard on many of the area leases. If someone wants meat, kill a couple of does or save the money from the lease dues and buy a few ribeyes. I agree 100%. On the lease I'm on we have been shooting only mature bucks for twenty years..... for the most part anyway. But now if one of my kids kill a good buck opening weekend (which is great) Daddy is now spike hunting during his week long vacation during the rut. So Buddy, I guess this is a lease issue. Your lease is only going to allow one mature buck and one spike? Our lease allows two bucks per family. If my son kills a good one, I still have that opportunity, if I understand the new law correctly. I just have to make sure my son has a license and uses his own tag, right?
  17. Yes, Newton Co. is included. The only down side for me is I have two teenagers that hunt off my tags also and with one pull of the trigger I am spike hunting the rest of the season. You teenagers have their own license, don't they?
  18. Not a perfect solution, but it will help get some age/balance in the deer herd.
  19. I'm with longhorn on this one. Lot's of posters jumped on the AD without knowing the rules, and I haven't seen many apologies for that. Hard to believe he is the only one(along with the umps) that knew the rules.
  20. I don't know the 10's very well. The 11's will be ok, but I think their better pitching might be playing on the 12 team.
  21. Yeah. He was standing on 2nd. Does he get a stolen base or should I call it fielder indifference? ;D
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