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Everything posted by westend1

  1. Here is the difference in all honesty. The left doesn't run on family values. If you preach it, then you really should follow it. That is what makes it worse
  2. I am sure he will be impressed when you show him the breitbart articles
  3. No. That was all for show.
  4. But the truth is, you really don't know anything at all. You don't know what the rules of engagement were. You don't know if they were followed. You don't know if they were properly related to the crews. Bottom line, if anybody was at fault, if this could have been prevented, which is a big assumption, you don't know who to blame. But go ahead with the narrative that you prefer. But, if you show me somewhere where Obama told the military to let combatants who were a threat to our forces go free, I'll be happy to look at it.
  5. president? So you blame Trump personally for the kid killed in Yemen?
  6. Sounds sketchy. And to blame it on Obama is a real stretch
  7. My hamstring wouldn't survive a 10 yard out at this point.
  8. It sucked Dicky V brought in a bunch of ringers who don't own computers and have nothing to do with SETX sports
  9. I read it. it says that Rice was trying to get as much info on Russia as she could before Obama left office. they were scared Trump would bury it. Did you really read this?
  10. Just find me one reputable site, even FOX, that talks about it and I will read it.
  11. Oh yeah. That guy was a nut. I met him one time when we had a setex poster flag football game
  12. LOL. So based on your expertise, all the national security people from the Republicans and Democrats are wrong.
  13. LOL The commander of forces in Bosnia and his opinions are worthless compared to some hack site. And, I can't even tell you what channel MSNBC comes on
  14. I'm not looking up every misdirection from everybody on this site. tell me what she said and don't lie or exaggerate.
  15. Sorry. I will look at FOX, but not some weird site called townhall. What did you think of my FOX research that you asked me to do?
  16. We are talking about accusations that she did something illegal with regards to unmasking. Do you agree with the republicans that she did not do anything illegal and that it was all done for the purpose of protecting the U.S.?. if not, anything else you post is "meaningless"
  17. Retired Army Major General William L. Nash, a former commander of U.S. forces in Bosnia who was reportedly known for his "bluntness and political acumen," worked with Farkas on the Council on Foreign Relations and speaks highly of his former colleague. In a statement to Fox News, Nash suggested that he found Farkas "to be of very sound judgment [sic] and high intelligence," and that he believed her opinions to be "quite insightful." Nash added that he hopes lawmakers will take advantage of Farkas' “expertise,” and get to the bottom of what he calls "the Russian espionage and disinformation campaign in the United States."
  18. I remember that guy. What was his handle? Didn't he coach a big Houston school?
  19. Don't know about Farkas. Talking about Trump lying.
  20. 40 years. In abstentia
  21. yep [Hidden Content]
  22. There was no misunderstanding. People were talking to Russian spies. They got a FISA warrant based on probable cause. Turns out Trump wanted to use a guy who talks with spies, in his team. Everybody, including Republicans says Rice should have turned his name over to security agencies. What did you misunderstand?
  23. Ha ha. I don't know Walter Yates. Is he a black activist? Is this someone you follow?
  24. OK I am skeptical when I see terms like several and"certain persons"l
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