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Everything posted by westend1

  1. Trump lied about obama tapping his phones, and he lied about illegal surveillance and unmasking. The republicans have admitted this. Will you?
  2. Google is your friend [Hidden Content]
  3. Probable cause to believe that a crime may be committed.
  4. You really don't know by now? Foreigners are sometimes surveilled.. Americans aren't identified unless someone in the IC thinks it might be important. If it might be important, the American is unmasked so that the IC can determine if it is anything worth worrying about. Happens all the time.
  5. No you haven't. It's a rather mundane procedure. It became an issue because trump needed to justify his tweets. Unmasking is a regular process. Really nothing but some will try to make something of it
  6. A lot apparently. You seem to have no idea what it takes to get a warrant. I do.
  7. Ha ha. And Mexico is paying for a wall
  8. Shady people you associate with? Is that what you think happened?
  9. Sad after all of this that some don't understand FISA surveillance.
  10. I miss your point. That article says trump wasn't wiretapped
  11. I don't know her personally, but everyone who has looked at the documents seems to say the same thing. She did nothing wrong.
  12. Lol. She is innocent. Nobody but trump even alleges that she committed any crime. Even the republicans agree
  13. Sure. It has nothing to do with goofy tweets or stupid quotes. Blame it on the media. Yeah. That will work....on some
  14. I think he guy should have left the plane when he was ordered to do so, but what the eff was United thinking? The guy bought a valid ticket and wanted to be on the flight. I think United is obliged at that point to keep offering more money until someone agrees to leave, Thoughts?
  15. You know I don't like Trump, but my hope was that he was smart enough to surround himself with smart people. For the most part, he has not.
  16. Get rid of Medicaire.. OOPS People seem to like it.
  17. Hitler didn't use gas to kill his people. Please get rid of Spicer
  18. I wonder if he is anti abortion, anti homosexuality because of sin and all.
  19. [Hidden Content]
  20. Cool. How many dem votes do they need to vote it out? Go for it
  21. So all new legislature will now get nuked into existence with no support from the other side. I guess it's cool when you have Congress.
  22. But Mommy! He did it first!
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