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Everything posted by westend1

  1. WB needs to play someone that will give them a challenge and will potentially make them better. My nephew made that suggestion, but in my opinion a game against WO-S wouldn't benefit us much. Any game would be better than none. They might play us tough for a while.
  2. You sure can't say Lufkin is scared. They now get North Shore. No patsy there.
  3. Looks like the knee surgery went well. NEW ORLEANS (AP)—Andre Anderson rushed for 157 yards and a touchdown, and Tulane took its first victory of the season in its first contest against an unranked opponent, 24-10 over Louisiana-Monroe on Saturday. Kevin Moore threw for 272 yards and a score for Tulane (1-2) and Albert Williams added a 37-yard touchdown run
  4. Brook top 22 against WOS top 22 is still a blowout for WB. WOS way too small to stop the running game. Dayton should have taught you guys something. Your own posters said Dayton was too big and athletic. It would only be worse against the Brook this year.
  5. Ha ha ha ha ha. Are you clueless or just stirring?
  6. I'm a Mav fan and I say cut him. I'd rather lose without him than win with him. He's a PUNK!
  7. Starting to get pretty gusty here in Beaumont. Got a little water blowing in under the french doors.
  8. I ate 3 alaskan salmon last night! lol
  9. Anyone hungry? I got a feeling that I'm about to toss a bunch of deer meat(some axis!) Pm me if you want some. I'm in Beaumont, of course.
  10. Brook scores in the 40's against WOS, before they pull the starters.
  11. My family left. I'm staying to hold down the fort unless bad boy Ike decides to zero in on us.
  12. If you are going to invoke our Lord, Jesus Christ, then at least capitalize the word Lord. Oh, lordy! :
  13. ok. I'll accept that they have valid reasons for their actions(although I don't understand why schools haven't been canceled. What now? When will be the best time to head north? Early,early morning?
  14. Get pissed Kicker, not my problem right now.
  15. Not much. But I do expect my elected officials to force his hand.
  16. This is not new orleans and I don't need help or guidance from the officials. My family wants to leave and they would have left today except we have no word on school closures. How hard is that? Now they get stuck in traffic with everyone else, Why?
  17. If it's a cat 4 and hits near Freeport. Big parts of that island are going completely under.
  18. That's bull.. I'd be in my car and gone.
  19. Ned too much for Kelly this year.
  20. What exactly is a voluntary evacuation? I can leave and come back without that. Does it really mean anything without school closures?
  21. Its always better to be safe than sorry... This storm is right on our butts and could do anything! If it stays the course we could be greatly effected! If they continue to wait how would the elderly and special needs have time to do anything???? C'mon tvc,youre a cop,you know their job as elected officials is to protect the citizens of their counties and I think as of now theyre failing miserably! Yes and they did exactly that a few days ago for Gustav and everyone was up in arms because we didn't get hit. Gustav was very close. We got some heavy rains and some fairly strong winds out of it in parts of this area. That didn't matter. Many people seemed to be angry that their homes were still standing and they left "for no reason". AGAIN, if anyone wants to leave, then do so. There is no permission needed to evacuate. This isn't China where you need papers to authorize someone to leave the county. If they call an evacuation this afternoon for tomorrow morning and it hits near Corpus Christi, the exact same people that are complaining now, will complain again that we didn't get hit again. First, I don't think EVERYONE was up in arms. Second, if these guys are waiting because they might get criticized, then they don't need to be public officials. Comes with the job. >
  22. If you want to leave, then do so. No one needs permission to get out of the area. They aren't going to call for an evacuation unless there is a good chance of major damage to the area. That may be the decision shortly but as of yet, that is not the predictions. We need to know about the schools so we can decide. We DO need permission or the kids suffer unexcused absences.
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