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Everything posted by westend1

  1. Where do you get my position on that?
  2. You say we "back these people" while discussing two ruthless killers. You are getting as bad as Trump about making stuff up
  3. Screw off. Nobody loved Sadaam and they don't love Assad. Why do you make this stuff up?
  4. Ha ACC had a terrible showing this year. 1 team made it past the first weekend
  5. Dumb. 1964: Lyndon Johnson essentially divorces the longest marriage the democratic party had: the one with southern whites. By making Civil Rights part of the Democratic platform, the republicans lose basically all of what's left of their black constituencies - which had been a significant part of their remaining progressive vote in northern urban areas. The democrats start to hemorrhage southern whites rapidly - you see George Wallace run for president in 1968.
  6. I don't care about who it offends. But, think about it. You need legislation to approve sharia law( assuming it could somehow get past the Supreme Court). If you have those votes, wouldn't they just repeal this new law? As I said, purely political and dumb
  7. Many sites seem to indicate that romneycare has been pretty successful. But don't let that get in the way of your narrative
  8. So do it. They won't because too many voters like aspects of oromneycare
  9. They have both houses. What are you saying? Should be simple
  10. And trumpcare does the same thing as oromneycare, but instead the money is borrowed. Right?
  11. Don't quit on me now. We know when the mandate was gutted, there was no way to fund Obamacare. And, there was no way to fund trumpcare. The only answer now is repeal. Get rid of the useful parts. Republicans won't do it because too many voters like it.
  12. That's the problem. Healthcare costs don't mean anything to most people. All they want to know is how much is the premium and how much is the deductible? The elephant in the room is doctors, hospitals, drug companies, etc. I don't believe Obamacare fixes that. You had to know it was more expensive to cover preexisting conditions. Are you surprised your premiums are higher?
  13. Ha. Premiums never went up before Obama got in office
  14. You are not dumb enough to think we need a ban on sharia law, are you? I have read your posts. I don't think you are dumb. Sadly no. I won't live that long
  15. You vote against it because it is dumb and you look like an idiot for supporting it. That would be my guess.
  16. It's not. We have a constitution. Just another law for show.
  17. Ha. Another "necessary" law on the books.
  18. The White House! Yikes
  19. He says you don't need immunity if you didn't. So you tell me
  20. Will she, if she. I guess if she committed a crime, she might. Is that why Flynn is doing it?
  21. This is pretty funny
  22. Flynn says he has a story to tell. I just find it interesting. You don't?
  23. Hmmmm
  24. Lol. Law review. I am sure he did pretty well. Ask anybody with any sense about that
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