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Everything posted by westend1

  1. Ha ha ha ha, Lawdawg, you have no clue. If you think you can project your kids future based on hisperformance as a 5 year old, you are just plain silly. If he is a great athlete, he might make varsity as a fresh. If not, he won't.
  2. I think that's my point. I think the kids want to win(who doesn't). But they aren't going to whine about umpiring unless they hear it from parents/fans first. And, they will forget about a loss within minutes, if the parents don't run around dissing the umps/other team, etc. Cheer for them, yes, but they will get over a loss much quicker than you.
  3. I'm with Besbol on this one. In time, it will matter more, but 5-6 is just too early to worry that much about wins and losses. I can promise you that it means more to the parents at that age. And Pirate, when your nephew says the ump made a bad call, just tell him the umps do their best and it's a hard job.
  4. Looks like he was walking way too many to compete effectively in the majors.
  5. It's little league rules, at WestEnd. Honestly, I don't think they keep score in fall ball at that age. It's a pretty relaxed atmosphere and I think they play around 10 games, from early Sept until around Halloween. Last year, we had several whole teams join us, from HF, Spindletop and Amelia.
  6. Watch the Enterprise in August. West End had teams (coach pitch) for that age last year.
  7. What age? WestEnd usually has a fall program for little league age and Beaumont Baseball had a league last year for 13-15.
  8. Forget baseball. Let the momma's mud wrestle for the championship!
  9. Ha ha ha ha. This just keeps getting better. Mod better lock tyhis(or make it a classic) :D
  10. This is one of the funniest threads I have ever seen. Are these kids realy 5 and 6? Sick, man. Real sick. : :-[
  11. BC Do you really think that Kville can beat Ned , Central, PNG and Memorial? I think Kville goes 0-4 against these teams.
  12. Has to be MCM. Half the kids that go to school in Beaumont can't decide where they will play until they hit high school.
  13. Here is the problem. If we make it a feel good league, where everyone gets equal play time, the more competitive parents leave the league. All we have left is the parents who want $90 babysitters. The league suffers without the more competitve parents, who do all the work. Attendance goes down and we are left with a struggling mess. You probably don't remember, but select ball almost destroyed little league a few years ago. It has just now come back to retain the parents who have an interest in the league. Some parents don't undersand this, but, without the competitive kids(and their parents) little league will no longer exist.
  14. I must say that maybe I was to judgmental, and I apologize for that. However, as a former coach, board memeber, field worker, concession manager, etc. I get tired of people trashing the volunteers who work so hard to make these leagues happen. I'm just saying that if you want changes, get busy. If your kid is good enough, they will get plenty of playing time. If they are not so good, you better do more than "pay your money" if you want things to change. Again, I didn't pay for lessons, and I still believe that is just an excuse. JMO
  15. Typical excuses, Cardfan. Your kid didn't get much playing time because he/she was not very good. He/she was not very good because you and your husband failed to spend the time necessary to make them good. Tossing the ball around a few times is not enough, so quit blaming politics/money/coaches and put the blame where it belongs.
  16. Batting practice and pitching practice are free(well, I guess you have to buy some balls). I don't get these people who think you have to hire someone to do this stuff. Find an empty field and get your lazy rear off the couch and go practice with your kid. That's all they need for the first several years, and then coaches can take over.
  17. kentucky beat LSU this year does that mean they're a better team? You started that mess with AZ beat USC, so they must be good. I just want some consistency out of you Ozen. Either it means something to beat another team, or it doesn't, Which way do you want it cause you can't have it both ways.
  18. aTm beat Texas, Dude. I was just pointing out that AZ State was not a great team either.
  19. Your pac-10 champs got 52 laid on them last year by the Texas Longhorns. Do you know anything about football or do you just type stuff for fun? ??? ;D
  20. WB can't have 16 returning starters, can they? Powdrill, Malbrough, Chavis,Falgout, Williams, Zeno, plus a nose guard and tight end. I thought all those guys were seniors, plus another o-line. Help me out here Bear.
  21. yeah and add iowa state and colorado state to that too........does any of those kids hold offers from any big time schools?? and dont say charles cause aTm isnt big time IMO Dude, you can't be serious. You think Syracuse, IA state ,CO state, Kansas and Kentucky are big time, but A & M is not? Auburn is a nice program, but I'd take A & M over any of the others.
  22. Nobody from WB gets on here to nominate kids. Svobada was in the top 3 or 4 pitchers this year. Inever saw stats posted for these kids anywhere.
  23. No kidding. It's going to cost me $300 just to drive out to Junction and back. It's just not worth it any more. I might be done after this year.
  24. Well, we knew it wouldn't be easy. 4 opponents in the top 25? That's almost overkill.
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