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Everything posted by westend1

  1. Move on to what? There is nothing left to talk about if we don't keep rehashing old news.
  2. Unbiased opinion. Harrington is better, but both Vidor pitchers are really good. They can win on any given day.
  3. c'mon guys. jdog is kidding.
  4. I think he is the guy! We have a great staff all around! Our top three are as good as they get at this level! at this level, you have Barbers hill who runs out three pitchers who might be better than anyone Vidor has, Two for sure. And, BH doesn't have the horses to win state, so I think that might be stretching it a bit.
  5. Didn't Hardin beat EC? I guess they did it with 4 1/2 players. ???
  6. Ha! No kidding. How many times does one have to hear "Cherokee" before it becomes obnoxious? All these Indians with sensitive ears seem to have selective memory.
  7. It doesn't really matter that a name was posted. Everyone knows her. Just accept that she is a very biased fan of her son and her team. She's probably an very nice lady who gets a little(okay, a lot) excited and can't control herself. I know plenty just like that, and most are ok people away from the ballpark. I'd rather see that than the parents who don't care at all. JMO
  8. I agree. i think the umpires have a duty in that situation to place the runners where they would have been if the proper call was made in the first place. In this case, if the first base ump had made the call that the 1st baseman was pulled off, where would the baserunner have wound up. My guess is third, but that should be the umps decision. If he thought the kid would have made home on the play, give him home.
  9. No, it was a mind your d#@n business attack..You were not a part of this discussion, yet you butt in, and put in your worthless 2 cents...BTW, I DID attend a MAGNET high school and was top 5 in my class...AND an athlete. And? Dude, go read a book or something, and stay off of the computer..You are clearly attempting to start something that does not need to be started. Gotta love it when someone posts on a public forum and then says "this is non of your business." :D
  10. Just watched the video. Call could go either way, but I am guessing that the home plate ump got a good look. Those guys don't usually make that call unless they are pretty sure. I don't know why they let the second runner score, but it didn't affect the outcome. Poor left fielder must be sick. Looked like a routine play.
  11. 12-3 kelly 6th inning
  12. Nederland has about two guys that can hit.
  13. Brook v North Shore. We might be a litle bloodied by then, but that will be the big game of Brook's season.
  14. His stats are better than TT's? Sounds like you might have a legit argument.
  15. When you live in the Matrix, anything is possible. :D
  16. There are 20 teams every year that "don't belong" in the tourney. I assume when you say they dont belong, you mean they don't have any chance of winning it. Maybe it should go back to 32 teams.
  17. The thing is, we will never know. Tiger can continue to play until he's 70, if he wants. He will still be winning tourneys at 60 if he continues to play. He is already retired, playing golf for fun.
  18. Dilution of Grandur? Dude, you need a new name.
  19. I hate it when the winning run scores on a passed ball. >
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