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Everything posted by westend1

  1. Repeal Obamacare. Doesn't matter how bad the new bill is. That's the thought process
  2. [Hidden Content]
  3. Really? School records? Let me ask. What conspiracy theory makes them in any way relevant?
  4. You thought that sounded good while you typed it, I bet
  5. Don't deflect. I am asking you to speculate. Why doesn't he have someone post a visitor log? What's to hide?
  6. Tetchted? Cmon man. Let's make this a real place for discussion
  7. You don't seem to have understand Obamacare. They could use it, but they have better options, just like 50 percent of all Americans. Have you been to the exchange? I haven't
  8. It could be "fixed" with one vote, if you think repealing oromneycare fixes anything.
  9. You mean with expanded Medicaid? Sure. Why not. Some states have done it and it seems to be working fine
  10. Well, maybe I am just a snowflake, but the name calling has really gotten out of hand lately. By everyone
  11. Piece of shit? Really?
  12. Maybe I misread it. It looks as though the bulk of the donations came from the founders of the company. Canadians
  13. People donate to charity for various reasons. It's a big leap to think that years later, they knew it would somehow get Clinton and 13 other unknown people to not disapprove a contract.
  14. Don't read it if you don't want to. Just trying to dispel the uranium myth
  15. Trying too hard
  16. So, the story about the uranium is wrong? You can find the same thing on any reputable site you want to choose.
  17. [Hidden Content]
  18. [Hidden Content] Anybody happy with this?
  19. Ha ha. You think the president is responsible for this?
  20. What situation? Seems like attempted deflection on whether or not Trump should post a visitor log. No answer as to why he wouldn't.
  21. Obama did. I thought the right was all about transparency.
  22. Heck. Didn't they vote to repeal it like 15 times over the past seven years? Why the change now?
  23. Trump said if you can't make a deal with politicians the you aren't very good at it.
  24. What? He has a republican house and senate.
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