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Everything posted by westend1

  1. Ok Hatchet, you win. He is guilty and should be kicked out of school and off the team. No need for a jury. Hatchet has spoken :
  2. I read it, Hatch. What do you suppose those actions were? Could have been that he tried to hide it or throw it away. We just don't know. Has this kid ever been in trouble before? Don't know that either. Is he a good student? Is he guilty of the allegations at all? If you will read my posts, all i have tried to say is, we don't have enough facts to judge this thing. He might be a bad kid who deserves what he gets. i find it interesting that the coach bailed him out. No parents there? Maybe he needs an authority figure in his life, and the coach sees this. Stop judging everythinmg so quickly.
  3. Tobacco? That's a parent issue. if the parent thinks he shouldn't play, so be it. I think the parent should be the one to fix the appropriate punishment in this case. And I wouldn't ruin the kids whole year over it and I don't think letting him play will ruin his whole life. Get real
  4. Problem is, none of the LCM kids would get to play ;D
  5. I think PAM's defense is gonna be on the field a lot on Friday. I look for Stump to play keep-a-way and to try and run it down PAM's throat. I think Christian will have a big game, and Lewis is running better,IMO
  6. I just don't see how anyone can answer this question without more facts. Why was he arrested? One kid here was arrested for shootong another kid with an air soft gun. My kid and other neighbor kids have wars with those things.(safety glasses mandatory) Should he be kicked off the team? Just too many unanswered questions in this post.
  7. How will we know you? You gonna have a big sign or something?
  8. You are right patitan, and when we start playing like PAM, I am crawling back into my hole ;D
  9. You may be right BDOG, but I guarantee there are good kids on your favorite team that drink a beer every now and again. Doesnt mean they are bad, just means they are normal teens. You think it's worth ruining their whole year over? You are entitled to your opinion, and I respect it, I just disagree on the proper punishment.
  10. Did he get kicked off the team for this arrest?
  11. Wow! You guys are harsh. I was thinking that maybe we should know a little more about the arrest. You guys want to kick a kid off the team for anything? Even an MIP? How exactly does that help the kid? Kids drink; sorry. Is it ok if they don't get caught or should we kick every kid out of athletics if we suspect them of underage drinking? I would vote to see how the legal thing comes out first, and then to find an appropriate punishment to the crime if the kid is really guilty of something. And not every infraction would get them kicked off the team. JMO
  12. I think PAM will score at least a couple of touchdowns. I'm think WB 42-20 and it might be closer than that.
  13. AJ man, chill. You have several posts since the game and you are starting to sound like a sore loser. Shows us all this "class" which seems to mean so much to you.
  14. Just a sloppy game. Is it just me or does it seem that we never try to change/disguise our pass defense? We run a basic zone on every play, with maybe a blitz every now and then. Any offensive coordinator can spot the seams. And, how do they continually get behind us when we run a two-deep zone? I can't figure out what is going on back there. One last negative comment. Will someone teach our QB how to tuck the ball properly? This stuff is gonna cost us down the road.
  15. Going to the Brook game, but taking my radio
  16. [Hidden Content] Just click on the game pic to see lots of great photos of each game.
  17. Kelly You a get positve karma from me. You are about the only guy I have seen apologize for a thoughtless post. Way to man up
  18. Great atmosphere. 1/2 of you guys are gonna have a blast
  19. If Lumberton adds any more people you're gonna need motor scooters to get around, like in China. You guys need some major roadway improvements. How long does it take to get home at around 5:00 pm coming from Beaumont?
  20. Anyone know anything about Sterling(other than the fact that they have a poor record)? Is there anything they can do to keep this one close?
  21. Cherokee warriors Board "the L-Train" and Take the Gold!
  22. I'm thinking PNG by 6 with :02 on the clock, Lumberton ball on the PNG 1 yd line. They run Hussey up the gut but he is met by a couple of backers. He keeps churning and stretches for the goalline. Might have got it in before his knee touched, Very close. Refs signal him down after a long conference, and then run for the lockers. That's what I want to see
  23. I don't know anything about that game ??? I was just thinking how fun the message board would be the next week.
  24. I'd like to see PNG win at home against L-Train on a controversial call in the closing seconds
  25. probably
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