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Everything posted by westend1

  1. So she paid her property taxes in December and this is some type of scam? LOLOLOLOL
  2. Where does McCabe say that there would be no investigation without the doosier? I can't find anything from McCabe
  3. Party first? Too funny. Blame doj and fbi because trump brought on questionable characters who lied. And plead guilty. But party politics allow you to overlook it. Get a mirror Oh, and still no admission that you have no idea what evidence was presented to the fisa judge. I’ll let you 6 guys get back to your conspiracy stuff
  4. Lol. Who originally hired the British spy? You still acknowledge, I guess, that you have no idea what evidence was presented to the fisa judge. Funny how republicans used to be protectors from foreign influence, and now they attack the people who try to protect them . Trumpsters are strange folks
  5. At this time, you have no idea what was presented to the judge.( Other than an admittedly partisan memo from a guy who hasn't seen the underlying data} My guess is that there was plenty of probable cause to issue the warrant, and extend it. It is not obvious to me that the FBI and DOJ are compromised, democrat deep state Trump haters. I still believe that they were looking a people with unusual Russian ties. A couple of convictions later, I am even more convinced. I guess we shall see.
  6. If you don't have shady Russian contacts like Pappadoupalas(sp) or Page. I don't think you have anything to worry about. Nothing burger
  7. 20 pubes 10 dims
  8. Dark web. LOL
  9. I am sure you will post another breitbart article soon.
  10. Finally. The last “genius “ of the bunch
  11. Finally. The last “genius “ of the bunch. I guess you can explain why only 5 people post here any more
  12. Ha. Here comes the 5th poster This site is crap compared to where it used to be. I don’t know the exact reason, but it started with smitty and continues with posters who link far right sites with almost no individual commentary
  13. Cool last president was bad so let’s do bad stuff. Pubes
  14. Whataboutism.
  15. Hippy, TVc , bandkid out of ammo? Wake up
  16. No. You are right. My kids and grandkids can pay for it. I’ll leave them enough for my share
  17. Yep .. These type of stupid responses are why nobody but about 5 guys post here anymore.
  18. Supposedly? Based on a video of one guy who turns out to be a registered voter? reaching much?
  19. Nice deflection, as usual. You said voter ID laws would stop fraud. I said Alabama has strict ID laws, and I cited the Sec of State. No response?
  20. The Alabama Sec of State said large scale fraud was unlikely because Alabama has strict voter ID laws, FWIW
  21. If your investments lost over the last 8 years, you need a new advisor
  22. Cool 8 year winning streak
  23. Potato potato No difference. Hope you enjoy your pittance meanwhile, we will see within a couple of years whether he is just borrowing more money to appease the poor masses. Bread for everyone! Hurrah!
  24. On the flip side, the pubes freaked out when a bill was passed without bipartisan support. Now they complain because the new guy would like to read the bill.
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