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Everything posted by westend1

  1. Republican congressional investigators expect a potential “smoking gun” LOL
  2. He was apparently a British citizen and they had no probable cause to arrest him. You have some problem with due process?
  3. Choices 2 and 3 are about the same, based on current proposals
  4. Well, at least we proved that you and I can actually discuss something
  5. When did all this replacement talk start? Trump ran on a repeal
  6. It's not that mysterious. Some people like parts of Obamacare and these republicans have elections in 2018
  7. So the truth is, they were only willing to pass a bill which they knew had no chance. Just politics to please the base. Now that they can actually do it, they won't
  8. Who are "these people "?
  9. So op, your question is answered. Qualifications do not matter. It's all politics. Both sides
  10. Republicans voted several times to repeal Obamacare while he was in office. Why can't they do it now?
  11. Likewise, garland deserved a vote. Did the republicans admit that he didn't get one because he was nominated by a democrat? Was he unqualified?
  12. And you think trumpcare will fix this?
  13. Well look in the mirror. You don't mind millions losing health coverage so you can save a few bucks on your premium
  14. Yep. No ANSWER
  15. You obviously have no pre existing conditions in your family
  16. They don't have the balls. Reelection and all. Too many people like the benefits.
  17. It's been answered several times, but you don't want to hear it. WE LISTEN TO RUSSIANS. WE LISTEN TO FOREIGN AGENTS. Now, was a phone call with Trump leaked? No answer expected.
  18. Just repeal it then. That's what he promised.
  19. The executive order is dumb. Tell me. What does it accomplish? How long is it supposed to last? What are the extra vetting procedures? I bet you can't answer without going now to look it up.
  20. I have plenty of military in my family. They are always going to go Republican. Anybody who wants to spend more on defense gets their vote.
  21. Military. Are you talking about u s citzens? I thought we were talking about foreigners
  22. Ha. I have many friends who live overseas and most of them think Trump is a buffoon and a joke and can't believe we actually elected the guy. I honestly never heard anybody call Obama a coward..
  23. We shall see. If he doubles the stock market, I will give him credit
  24. So, if it doesn't affect us, why is trump worried about it? The guy is an idiot. Maybe he will get better
  25. Daily caller. Wtf
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