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Everything posted by westend1

  1. I like the stock market trend. If you look back to 2008, it is following the same trend line
  2. Probably. And they will come from a different country or wait until the temporary ban ends. It won't do anything more than a gun ban does. Waste of time
  3. Yeah. I am sure this ban will protect you. It's just politics to keep the trumpeters fired up
  4. Nothing. What does the ban do for you?
  5. [Hidden Content]
  6. Bet you a thousand dollars they aren't impeached
  7. Maybe it is public knowledge. I haven't seen it. But surveillance against a foreign entity is nothing like what trump is alleging. Blinders on
  8. Odds are yes, even though every government agency, including Republican led committees, says it didn't happen. Get the blinders off.
  9. Yeah think maybe we do surveillance on Russians? Shocking, I know
  10. Who do you think was tapped?
  11. So you believe Obama tapped Trump's phones? Hard to tell from your evasive reply.
  12. [Hidden Content]
  13. [Hidden Content]
  14. When you stop posting far right wing tin foil stuff, you can complain about this.
  15. So, nobody believes that Trump was tapped. No even the Republicans. Any Trumpsters on here still supporting that lie?
  16. 2005 lol
  17. That is one of the dumber things posted on here, and that's saying something.
  18. If you can't figure it out, I can't help you
  19. This post is ironic: The authors of the Right are not hate-filled wing-nut Liberals resorting the childish name calling.
  20. You sure do a lot of name calling for a guy who claims to to disdain that sort of thing.
  21. Why? You read and enjoy plenty of right wing conspiracy dribble.
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