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Everything posted by westend1

  1. Silly links like those are a waste of time, aren't they? You can find hypocrits in both parties.
  2. [Hidden Content]
  3. Actually, yes. Bob Wortham was a victim of this. We lost Mike Bradford as a result of this. Fine man He volunteered to handle the Branch Davidian disaster..
  4. No kidding. Whichever country we decide to give billions of dollars of weaponry to, will be a powerhouse.
  5. Yeah well. The economy saw plenty of months with similar growth in jobs last year. but that was all fake news.
  6. That's fine. Clinton and Trump both have that right. But, it is just another example of what is wrong with our system. Wouldn't it be better to judge each US attorney on his or her merits? Replacing good prosecutors with political appointments seems counter productive.
  7. You think the US attorneys are all liars? Why would you think that?
  8. So it seems that you don't understand how intercepts work
  9. But he is the head of the executive branch and I assure you, he can declassify the information if it is there. Area 51? I have no words
  10. Lol. He tweets it out for the world to see but now he is worried about compromising an investigation? You are better than this
  11. You said they met face to face at Trump tower. Why would a phone intercept be of any value? However, IF there was an intercept, I would bet it would be on the Russian phone. You can't really intercept the thousands of phones in Trump tower.
  12. If there was a phone intercept, Trump has the power to declassify it and show us the order. But he hasn't. hmmmm
  13. So to keep the good portions of ObamaCare, we will pay welfare, just like earned income tax credits. This should go well.
  14. You should reread. I said the thread was dumb because it says democrats are anti semites. And I was right. It is dumb
  15. Waaah. Nobody supports his stupid settlements so everybody must hate Jews. Is that your point?
  16. No. Pretty much everybody wants them to stop with new settlements. Even your hero, Trump
  17. Ha ha! That's it? The Obama admin abstained from voting on a UN resolution that condemned new settlements?
  18. OK. Tell us what Obama did that makes you think that he hates Jewish people. This should be good
  19. OK. Guess I am moving to Freer. Not much closer, but something different.
  20. So release them. According to you its no big deal. Right?
  21. Tell me what you think this says
  22. I'm leaving Junction after 16 years. Just need something closer to home. Anybody know of anything good around here? Would like to stay within 2-3 hours.
  23. Or the bible. Plenty of crazies to go around.
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