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Everything posted by westend1

  1. Did you guys miss the part where he/she wants to compete against males but archaic rules prevent that? So, it's your own stupid rules which caused this to start with.
  2. It's sad that some folks get nutted up over it.
  3. He/she would be disqualified for steroids. You can try again.
  4. So a female wrestler was scared to wrestle another female wrestler?
  5. Ha ha. Trump says something else dumb and the goaltenders run for every right wing site they can find to try to support it.
  6. Ha f'n ha. Are you really believing that?
  7. The number of people who fall for this is crazy
  8. Dumb. How about we just keep the deals we made with them? You have a problem with that? fwiw, my great grand mother was named little bird.
  9. What are you claiming? That the indians tobie is referring to have no claim to land? Again. LOL
  10. lol.
  11. You have evidence that somebody was here before the Indians. Please let us know. The Smithsonian would like to know that.
  12. "whatever reason"? Tell us what the reason was?
  13. No. I don't know how to kill pigs
  14. You mean like his promise to prosecute Hillary?
  15. lol wouldn't have wasted your time if you had agreed at the start that Flynn deserved to be fired. Sorry I had to force it out of you. Is this not your quote? What did Flynn do wrong? Do you even know? (I ask again)
  16. Nice try at deflection. This thread is about a hit job on Flynn. He lied to his own administration.. End of story
  17. As long as you admit he is a liar. Seemed you supported him. My mistake
  18. Maybe. But why lie? Like father like son, I guess
  19. You are right(this time). Just trying to stir up crap.
  20. Did Churchill say the weather balloon story was a coverup? I missed that.
  21. "I'll take a shot REB. There was a UFO that landed in Roswell. Debris was found by some farmer and the military got involved. It was first reported as a flying saucer, then the coverup story reported it was a weather balloon " Your quote.
  22. So point out where Churchill said that an alien crashed at Roswell. I don't think he said that.
  23. LOL. You care what you asked? Funny. We arent talking about Obama anymore. You should just admit that you don't know why Flynn got fired. It's better than admitting the truth, which you never do.
  24. Who cares what you asked? Trump thought it was bad enough to can him. That's saying something. Do you think Trump just caved in to media pressure? Please say yes.
  25. Illegal immigrants don't receive welfare or Medicaid The anchor babies, who are American citizens, do. That's a job for this administration. Amend the constitution to disallow that
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