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Everything posted by westend1

  1. Lol. Big sandy?
  2. Nah. Most of them like bill Clinton.
  3. The question is flawed. What do you mean " not upholding the constitution "? Is any decision that you don't like purely political. These justices are vetted extensively and have to be confirmed. That is the standard you are looking for
  4. The constitution is not a very long document. Every Supreme Court decision is an interpretation of its meaning, whether liberal or conservative
  5. Fair enough. But that post sounded bad. Don't get caught up in that
  6. You can maybe show me the posts you are talking about(unless you made it up). Not sure you ever said that you had to be black to be critical, but if you did, I probably called you a racist. I guess we could go back and check. But, you really need to reread your post and tell me if it seems racist.
  7. Lol. My retirement went up 300k under obama. Does he get the credit? Nash says he doesn't
  8. I'm not, not that it matters
  9. Maybe Seems like accusing trump bashers of being black might be a better cause
  10. I'll say it too you. Tell me where
  11. I now have no doubt that you are a racist idiot. Come at me, bro.
  12. Please disregard the fact that a Judge who ruled against this EO were Republican appointed.
  13. Mexico is paying for a wall(well now we will pay for it). Repeal Obamacare in first week(well, it might not be until 2018) Drain the swamp(except everybody he hires is wall street or big money supporters) Stop Iran and North Korea from developing weapons(but they fire off a few missiles just to show him up) Prosecuting Hillary(changed his mind I guess) Oh, and LOL on the birther business.
  14. google is your friend
  15. Daily caller. LOL
  16. Wow. Idiots abound.
  17. So you go to daily caller for news? Cool.
  18. dailycaller Who looks at this stuff?
  19. But yet, we look at satellite photos and know that glaciers are melting at a pretty good clip. Not over 10's of thousands of years, but over a hundred years. Anybody who can completely ignore that is ignorant. I don't know how it will affect the world in the short term. It might be a good thing to be able to grow corn in Alaska. But to deny it, is just dumb.
  20. nice sources. lol
  21. You mean like the other 98% of the posts on this site?
  22. You should really think about it when you are the only one responding to your posts.
  23. lol babies murdered. Most have gills and a tail. If you are one of those guys who think when a cell divides that human life begins, we have no common ground.
  24. This is maybe the dumbest post I have seen on here. Congrats.
  25. Fat women? You sound like a strong christian. You must be proud of that post.
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