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Everything posted by westend1

  1. LOL. REB is sad they got killed before Trump got in.
  2. Can't fix stupid. Give it up, Bullets
  3. Where does "prophecy" mention the u.s.?
  4. LOL. This board is sad.
  5. Show me a supreme court decision that agrees with you.
  6. Not my problem if you can't read.
  7. You can freely exercise. The government can't. Understand now?
  8. The establishment clause pretty much dictates that the government(any government) cannot show preference for any one religion over any other. Thus, any act which appears to push a particular religion, is unconstitutional. In that way, church is separated from state. Got it?
  9. Repeal Romneycare for all I care. Doesn't affect me. But, the guy who thought this up was supposedly a business guru(according to the right) ACA is almost identical to his plan.
  10. Why do you care so much how people celebrate the holidays?
  11. Depends on if you are really serious about it. Any reputable source you look at says it worked in Australia
  12. Hillary didn't get elected because small, unpopulated states have a larger say in the process. I like the system. I hope Trump does well.
  13. bs Look at the real market' It advanced almost 100 percent during the obama presidency. Sorry. You can't change that. You of all people should know that cherry picking a small population of the term is not indicative of the long term trend.
  14. All of this. All of what?
  15. I guess obama gave hope to the market, since it doubled under his watch. Is that the way this works?
  16. I don't know that it will be bad, but to whine that nobody is giving Trump a chance after the way Obama was treated by the right is very funny.
  18. Thanks REB. Just took a break.
  19. Cool. So I am assured that Trump can accomplish the same.
  20. Read what? Stuff written by MEN 100, 200, 500 years after the events occurred? What was revealed that gives you your thoughts on abortion? The ten commandments?
  21. Yeah. Let me know when it doubles like it did under Obama. I will then be impressed.
  22. He he Another guy who knows what god said.
  23. Headed to Junction today. Finally, some cool weather.
  24. Maybe, but I know you wear a tin foil hat.
  25. Maybe just bad luck for this cop. Not many cops actually kill somebody, much less twice. But, we will know soon what happened here. Witnesses galore.
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