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Everything posted by westend1

  1. Are you still defending Trump talking about puss grabbing?
  2. Surely you are kidding
  3. LOL. Knew there would be a taker. And I was pretty sure who it would be. how do you feel about the new video?
  4. Anybody going to goaltend this last video?
  5. You clearly have no clue whether Obama care caused this problem(assuming it exists). Now i know what BS wildcat stands for.
  6. You can't provide one bit of detail. What company, what drug? I'm calling bs.
  7. Right. In this climate, there is a mother who can't get diabetes drugs for her kids. First, bs. Second, you think Trump will fix that?
  8. Ha ha. Sound just like Trump
  9. Since you provided no link, I tried to look it up. It appears that insurers are dropping drugs that have cheaper generic alternatives. Is this what you are talking about?
  10. To be honest, I don't believe your deductible is $12 grand. Maybe because I have never seen that. Nobody in the exchange has a deductible like that.
  11. So, using my example, the trucker will pay a flat tax of 15%' on $150,000 of income. Doesn't seem much better than 28% on the $80,000 that he actually cleared. I know these numbers are made up, but you get the question. And then the cost of the goods shipped goes up?
  12. Explain your thinking on flat tax. If I am a trucker, can I deduct fuel and new tires, or maybe a new engine? The point is, no matter how you structure it, there will always be deductions exploited by those who know how to do it. If a trucker grosses $150,000, but only clears $80,000 after expenses, you can't tax him for all of that. Same with any business. So how do you think the flat tax works?
  13. No, You just chose to ignore the subject matter in your original reply. Where do you want to do this poll? Here? Ha ha!
  14. "He's being Trump. I don't have any comment beyond that," said former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, a top supporter. Generally chatty and occasionally critical of Trump, Gingrich said tersely that Trump sometimes does "strange things," but that Clinton lies. This is what your boy Newt thought about it. Guess I am not the only one. Oh wait, he said strange, I said weird.
  15. Your answer sounded like a Trump answer. "Well I know people who get up at 5:00, so tweeting at 3:00 isn't weird" That's your answer as to why tweeting bad things about a Latino women, while running for President, at 3 is a.m., not weird?. Whatever.
  16. Just asking if Cruz is a liar. Do you agree with Trump? You don't want to talk about the weird tweets, so I thought I might find something you will talk about. Guess not.
  17. Exhibit A. Now, is Ted Cruz a liar? trump says he is?
  18. Quit ranting. Try to focus. The question was whether it was weird to tweet about beauty queens at 3 a.m. A certain crowd doesn't find it strange. Are you among them or not?
  19. Yep. Besides the fact that he can't answer any question that requires knowledge of anything. But, he plays to a certain crowd. He will get some votes.
  20. Sounds like your panties are wadded because you didn't like the response. Are you one of trumps core voting block?
  21. Yeah. Why would I care about who people on this site would vote for or why they would vote for them? In fact, it is down right hillarious that you think I would care. I already know that most on this site are voting R, no matter the candidate. The fact that you nominated the only candidate that can't win cracks me up.. Therefore, the LOL. Answer your question?
  22. On this board? LOL
  23. From my perspective, she may not be ideal, and I disagree with a lot of her positions, but I don't think she is insane. I think Trump is. He sounds like a 7 year old. No substance at all, and he clearly has no answers if asked any question that calls for it. Why would you vote for him? He is the worst candidate that the Pubs could have chosen. I am guessing all I will hear is that he is better than Hillary.
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