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Everything posted by westend1

  1. Not a priority. Just an observation. Weird
  2. Oh it's probably not for, what do you call them, sheeple? Most normal people wouldn't do that, especially if the were running for office. Why do you think it isn't weird?
  3. Ha ha. You guys can't even admit that it is weird for a candidate for president to be up at 3 a.m, tweeting about former beauty pageant chicks.
  4. Charlie tried to decline a penalty where OK state got the first down The ref bailed him out. The guy can't handle big decisions. He needs to be a coordinator.
  5. "The polls" Ok.
  6. The article is intentionally misleading. Appears it has been circulating over the internet and fooled a lot of people.
  7. You are voting for Trump but laughing at someone else? Now that is funny
  8. I saw a witness who said he looked hispanic. Didn't see the presser. But, wouldn't it be better for the Republicans if it was a latino guy? You know, the wall and all? Seems like the media was trying to help Trump. See how that works?
  9. Getting close
  10. The witnesses described the guy as hispanic. This conspiracy crap is just dumb.
  11. LOL. Washinton examiner. From the article, how many dead voters were involved? I can't tell. Was it more than 2?
  12. Because it is a way to make a living and you don't know how you will react until it happens to you.
  13. Your "friend of a friend" is an idiot if this really happened. I think most of the time, people don't get hired and make up an excuse.
  14. While she might have been wrong, she doesn't deserve prison. I know this makes it easier for the black community to accept, but I don't see any malice here. Maybe she freaked out and shot too soon, but I would never convict her, based on what i have seen.
  15. Honestly, I don't believe your close relative. It might have happened this way, but nobody is going to admit it. Nobody is going to tell an applicant that he is not getting consideration because he is white. Calling BS on this.
  16. I am not going to doubt you. I can only speak from my experience. My employer actively seeks qualified black employees. If it's a coin toss, or even if it isn't, the black applicant gets the job. Same with college. That is/was my experience.
  17. There are neighborhoods I can't walk in either.
  18. I'm talking about convictions.
  19. You called her a liar. You tell me.
  20. Well, she is partially right. Blacks are arrested more and stopped more. That is fact. Profiling works, but it is profiling.
  21. OK We are still talking about something bad that happened over 40 years ago. Slavery and it's aftermath were horrible. We get that. Today, do you feel that blacks have the opportunity to do anything that whites can do? I think they have an advantage, if they take it.
  22. Tobie. I am a Democrat, but I have to ask. What equal right do you not have?
  23. Ha ha. Nice unbiased site. What kind of idiot visits these sites?
  24. Interesting. Where did you read this?
  25. This kind of response is why nobody gets along. Is it a lie, or a mistake? Moral compass? Are you a Trump man? Look in the mirror.
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