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Everything posted by westend1

  1. Cmon big girl. Statistically, blacks do commit more crimes. We are trying to figure out why so many that are unarmed get shot.
  2. Throw them all in there. Nobody cares.
  3. So about 1/4 killed were black. Interesting. Wonder how many were something other than white.
  4. Ha ha. Yale was good once too.
  5. LOL. Yeah my Dad remembers all of that. My son just remembers Texas getting embarrassed.
  6. Hillary drooler, Trump drooler. Whatever. It "don't " "effect" me "to" much. Do you realize how bad this is?
  7. It is frivolous. Who supports it on this site?
  8. I don't remember all that history. I do know that UT had less than 60 yards of offense last time they met.
  9. I'm betting $100 bucks that the Plaintiffs get nothing. Want some?
  10. I'm not siding. Just betting you $100 bucks that this case is frivolous. Do you support frivolous lawsuits, or do you want some of it?
  11. I bet they don't collect a dime. You in?
  12. LOL. Pubes want tort reform but support this frivolous stuff. Everybody hates lawyers until they need one.
  13. Any update on this one?
  14. One gets the blame, one doesn't. I get it.
  15. Good to know that you are "very than a Dem"
  16. LOL. All that to say,we have more jobs than we did when Bush left.
  17. No it doesn't. But we were talking about something else. Try to focus. Even if it is just for a few minutes. "There" gender has nothing to do with this discussion.
  18. And this is why Pubes can't win. Letting it happen? smh
  19. Sure, So you are just like a Dem. No difference. Just as I have always said.
  20. "Letting your husband run around". Do you not realize how idiotic that sounds?
  21. And let's compare it to the last Republican in office. Oh i know. We can blame his failures on the Democrats. Right?
  22. [Hidden Content],d.eWE
  23. OK. I have to ask. When did have a cheating spouse become a negative for the spouse that got cheated on?
  24. The right makes fun of teleprompters. They lose, they start using them. Now they make fun of ear pieces. They lose again. Why make fun of someone who is kicking your a$$?
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