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Everything posted by westend1

  1. westend1


    Please. You are watching FOX right now.
  2. westend1


    You have to admit that it is kind of funny when the king of conservative values turns out to be a creep.
  3. Yeah, OK. That's why all the educated are voting for her. They are easier to fool than the others. smh.
  4. [Hidden Content]
  5. Show me your source. Maybe i'll believe you. show me your source
  6. [Hidden Content]
  7. I have eaten plenty. I think one time I got some that were bad or not cooked fully. turned me off forever. That was 26 years ago.
  8. Plague, polio, smallpox. This stuff is nothing. Bacteria and virus have been around for a long time. They evolve like everything else. We might whip them all eventually, but i doubt it.
  9. LOL. What does it tell you, Mr mid county?
  10. Don't like Kaepernick, but he didn't alter his uniform, so not comparable. Don't care about big gulps, but they are gross. You re right. Don't know Steinle. Don't personally know anyone who said Kyle was a coward. i guess you read that on the internet. In summary, you avoid he issue being discussed, as usual Just start your own thread if there is something else on your mind.
  11. Yeah. Frogs and alligators really arent meant for consumption. A lot less effort to buy a mess of catfish.
  12. South Carolina. You think maybe they had problems with students taunting people? Knowing nothing about the situation, nothing about the safety of the crowd, you reach these conclusions? I have no idea what was really going on and neither do any of you, but I refuse to believe that SC reps went out of their way to support liberals.
  13. So, nothing was directed at you personally, but instead to old white guys. As I figured.
  14. Even Bush admitted that the flyover photo op was a mistake.
  15. Huh? It's a simple question. I frankly don't believe that anybody is called a racist "daily", unless they frequent political websites. I would respond to your lefty comment, but I am trying to tone it down. .
  16. Has some one actually called you a racist?
  17. Bruins have 2 or 3 big kids on the oline, but they don't look real athletic. . i suspect they are leaning on the smaller Central team now
  18. That punt game looked like something bad was going to happen. Very slow getting it off and he kicks it so low.
  19. left at half. The Bruin Dline is smaller than usual and the linebackers don't fill very well. The quarterback is ok, but not great at running or passing. The teams seem pretty evenly matched to me. Thinking this will be a tough year for Brook,
  20. Mack I don't care about the cross, or the pledge. Some people do. There are extremists on both sides. Do you want the theory of evolution removed from science books? Some do. Do you want your kids taught that the Earth is 6000 years old and that people once lived with dinosaurs? If some religious extremists had their way, that is what you would get. It's best just to leave it out altogether, in my opinion.
  21. No I would not, but now put it in context. Why should a person who doesn't believe in God need to say the pledge?
  22. Truthful answer. Would you be ok with two pledges? One says the pledge as we know it, and one says something like, " I love my country, but there is no God, so it's up to us to protect it"?
  23. It's called a registration fee. You can give away $10,000 each year with no tax consequences. Any fee is a tax of sorts, but it doesn't count against your 5 million or so that you can give away when you die.
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