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Everything posted by westend1

  1. Show me proof that Trump has been audited every year. it could happen if he had problems with his prior returns, but not likely. Who has said this besides trump?
  2. Hillary Clinton's recent surge in the polls is being fueled in part by a demographic that President Obama lost handily four years ago — white, college-educated voters. "In over a half-century, no Democratic presidential candidate has carried white voters with a college degree," said Michelle Diggles, a senior political analyst with the center-left think tank Third Way, who described the split between the white working class and whites with a college degree as "the most underreported story of this year." GOP nominee Donald Trump is hoping that white working-class voters can fuel his own victory. But his climb becomes doubly harder as he is far behind Clinton in the demographic bloc that is usually reliably Republican. In the last presidential election, Barack Obama lost the college-educated white voters by 14 points. But now Clinton is winning this same group by about 8.7 points, according to an average of the most recent NBC/Wall Street Journal, CNN/ORC and ABC/Washington Postpolls.
  3. HA HA. Are you a birther or not? Did he produce a birth certificate? If he did, then shut up about it, kiddo.
  4. LOL. Idiots still talking about birth certificates. If you have been paying attention, you have seen it. Birthers crack me up.
  5. LOL. You sound like Trump. "It was sarcasm".
  6. So, you have no problem using executive action, even if it violates the constitution? If they preach hate, I am personally ok with it. But, I thought true conservatives were against this sort of thing.
  7. If you have enough money, they have tons of teams out at Ford Park.
  8. I'm going with conch. Guy on the boat dove down and got a couple, then came up and sliced them with lime and tomatoes. Pretty dang chewy.
  9. serious question. Should we amend the constitution so we can ban Muslims from congregating and shut down Mosques? Constitutionally, can we do it now?
  10. Actually pretty cool. Never knew what that poem was about.
  11. Surely you are kidding. Crimea has been in the news for years, remember the plane that got shot down? Which Trump misspeak are you talking about?
  12. Do you really enjoy an echo chamber?
  13. Yeah, we have seen it and most understand what was said and meant. Sucks that some can't seem to understand. Feel sorry for them.
  14. Whatever. But, the adults are trying to converse here. Grow up or move along.
  15. YOBAMMY? Are you about age 8?
  16. 57 states. Just stop. You heard the comment and now you just sound like an idiot. That is what is pathetic.
  17. bs. You are falling in line behind Trump just like the good Republican that you are. Admit it. He is not a conservative and never has been, but you can't split from the party.
  18. Anything by Dire straits. Was a big Jackson Browne fan growing up, along with Heart and Pat Benatar.
  19. Seems like since Republicans started using them, I haven't heard much about them.
  20. Ha! 5 posts and this guy thinks anybody is opening that link.
  21. You do understand that this encompasses a whole lot of Trump voters?
  22. My opinion? That chick from Hawaii is smokin
  23. potato, potota
  24. Is Queen considered classical?
  25. I'll give you a comment on the fence. it will never happen, and if it did, after billions of dollars, it wouldn't be effective.. How much would you charge as a rancher from south Texas to be cut off from the river? That is part of the cost
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