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Everything posted by westend1

  1. I'm not voting because it just doesn't mean much in Texas in a general election. If I did, it would be Hillary. At least I think she is sane.
  2. I guess you finally understand the mirror reference. D's vote D, R's vote R. Anyone voting Trump is just voting R.
  3. No. Your understanding would be wrong. Big surprise.
  4. Ha ha! Anyone voting Republican this time is simply voting R. Look in the mirror.
  5. I'm going with Folsom Prison or Right Left Hand
  6. I get that Repubs would like to see her prosecuted for something, but a Republican appointed law enforcement officer determined that her acts weren't criminal. Gowdy can grandstand all he wants, but it doesn't change anything, except maybe some will vote for him in some future election.
  7. Thats not what the Bush appointee said. He said she was careless but it didn't rise to the level of a crime. Therefore, not illegal. If he had said, "it was a crime, but I am letting her off", then your analogy would be accurate. I guess people hear what they want to hear.
  8. I missed it. Show me where he said she committed "illegal acts". It's 'straight out". Right?
  9. LOL. Any discrepancies were cause by liberal bias. That's a bad piece of literature.
  10. Thanks. We werent really friends. She was in my nieces wedding. That's where I met her. They were stationed together in UAE.
  11. Yeah, but the family is not saying anything.
  12. Pretty slow. You can catch a few on live bait out in the pass and jetties. Have heard reports of a few on the deeper reef, but I haven't tried it in a while.
  13. Strangely enough, I knew her. No foul play. Sad.
  14. I agree. I think the US would have prospered under any president during WW2. That is, assuming we won.
  15. Do you give Reagan credit after he started borrowing, spending, and cut interest rates?
  16. Lots of presumptions in that article.. Does anyone even read and analyze this stuff?
  17. "I watched Megyn Kelly interview a panel last night" . Obviously. These slanted questions guarantee that you don't want a real discussion. Why does it matter, for purposes of discussion, that the officers were "cleared"? Isn't that the whole issue? Who cleared them? Why does this mean that they were "following the law"?
  18. LOL. Childish is posting something that fits your agenda when you admittedly know nothing about it. Why don't you let the big boys talk.
  19. Romney led in "some poll" as well.
  20. That's not a Vidor Pirate. He has all his teeth.
  21. Yep. If that is all true, the chick is one quick and cool liar.
  22. I don't think there are many "bad" cops. I think there are plenty who are either scared, improperly trained, or just not suited for a dangerous job. I think that is the basis for the protest. It's a tough job and takes a special person. We should pay them more.
  23. I didnt see people running and hiding behind the police, as you suggested. btw, I sent money to the families of the slain officers via go fund me. Put your money where your mouth is.
  24. Interesting. I see unarmed citizens hauling a$$ , as they should, and police coming in, as they are trained to do.
  25. Show me a video that shows different. I am open to changing my mind. Apparently, you have seen something that i didn't see. Don't make me talk about crickets.
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