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Everything posted by westend1

  1. I doubt it. They have seen just as much discrimination by you puritans as anybody else.
  2. Dude. Nobody has any idea what you are trying to say. Lending money and mowing yards has zero to do with this. How is it discrimination if you won't mow somebody's yard who has stiffed you? Have you refused to mow a yard because some black chick was married to a white guy? Would mowing a gay guys yard somehow mean you condone his lifestyle? That's what we are talking about.
  3. You don't know that. These people were possibly just attention seekers. I don't see them any differently than the couple who complained about it. Just not enough info to make that call.
  4. I don't think it's hate, but just because it makes someone uncomfortable isn't a reason to discriminate. How does baking a cake mean that somebody agrees with or somehow condones a lifestyle. Just like the gay/les bunch, these people are just trying to make a statement.
  5. Capitalism, democracy and natural resources molded this country. You think Saudi Arabia is rich because of religion?
  6. So are the Muslims wrong about Muhammed? Did he really fly to Mecca? How about the Mormons? Do you believe the story about the golden tablets? Be honest.
  7. The guy certainly has problems. Hope he gets it fixed before it kills him.
  8. You clearly misread. It's not Christians I am talking about. It's all religions. They all think they know what is best or right or moral. In fact, it was just men who made the rules. You have every right to believe in all the old fables, just don't use it as a way to discriminate.
  9. LOL. That's the point. Out of dozens of major religions that have existed, hasn't almost every one gotten a few things wrong? But yet, some people can be convinced that not only do they have it right, but they know everything about it is correct.
  10. And it's exactly what I thought it was. You religion is the correct one, so everybody should live by what is said in the book you choose to believe. No science involved in you opinions. Awesome.
  11. No response, as expected. Come on. Debate me on this.
  12. I don't think they will. However, I still disagree with your general statement. Refusing service "for any reason" just goes too far, in my opinion.
  13. I think blacks should be able to eat at McDonalds if they want. That's just me.
  14. I take it you disagree with my religious beliefs.
  15. Yeah,. My religion says that black people should not be able to eat with whites, or ride in a cab. You ok with my religion?
  16. You mean like black people? Yeah. One time businesses were able to discriminate.
  17. Just stop. You are guessing with your opinions. I am guessing that you don't know a damn thing about it.
  18. Lifestyle "choice" Please. Nobody would choose that difficult road.
  19. lol. There are better articles to read.
  20. Didnt read it. Seen enough of them to know that they are directed at a certain audience.
  21. yep. Just enough misinformation to fool the uneducated.
  22. Too deep for me.
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