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Everything posted by westend1

  1. than it has in just about any 9 month period in quite a while. LOL. Lots of qualifiers in there
  2. Market doubled in last 8 years. If it does the same in the next 8, I will give Trump all the credit.
  3. My retirement accounts did great under Obama. Judging from the title of this thread, he should get all the credit. Right? You can fool some people with this bs, but not all.
  4. I don't see it as a loophole. They can break up the cases and sell them individually or they can do you a favor and leave them in cases.
  5. I don't recall anyone complaining about paying a buck seventy nine for a bottle of water
  6. I have a couple of boats. One surface drive. Let me know where we can help. Went to pine forest yesterday. Happy to come to mid county if we can help. Westend
  7. They can appeal.
  8. Shocked that you don't see the humor
  9. [Hidden Content]
  10. dimtards and dimocrats in back to back posts? Man, you sound smart.
  11. Which wall? The one Mexico is paying for? Or is it the one that Trump is threatening to shut down the government over because the Congress doesn't want to pay for it?
  12. About 6000 years old according to jvcoach
  13. No. I read articles and try to get all the information I can. You should try it
  14. Lol. The national inquirer
  15. Yeah. They did. Look, you can google "cause of civil war" and try to pick out the most reputable looking sites and 9 out of 10 will say it was the issue of slavery that caused the south to try to secede. I'll go with that. I get that it makes southerners feel better to try and revise that history, but it's just not true. Anyhow, I won't convince you and neither will all those historians so I am done with it. Believe what makes you feel good
  16. But it was the south that wanted to keep slavery. They saw the handwriting on the wall. The Missouri compromise wasn't enough to satisfy the south. They were afraid that emancipation was coming so they tried to bail
  17. Emancipation in the south was done by executive order to help the war effort. A constitutional amendment had been in the works for some time and was passed around the time the war ended. Anyone who thinks slavery was not the central issue doesn't understand much about the years leading to the war
  18. You mean like the trump base? Agreed
  19. So you grew up in a poor black neighborhood? I think you are lying
  20. You brought it up. If you don't want to talk about it, don't bring it up
  21. So tell us. Where did you grow up? Poverty?
  22. The neighborhoods were bad. That's where black families were able to afford housing in the 50s and 60s. Could the kids have done better? Of course. But without having grown up in that environment, you have no idea how you might have turned out. Look around at the number of kids who are losers but had a much better opportunity.
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