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Everything posted by westend1

  1. Not sure, Hippy.  I don't think my plan changed any.
  2. Did I say I wasn't voting?   I just don't care about Congress.  I prefer a divided executive branch.  I do care somewhat about local elections, though it matters not to me whether a Pub or Dem is on the family court bench or the criminal bench.
  3. Maybe 30% will turn out.  Am I the exception or the rule?
  4. I really don't care much.  Gridlock for two more years won't have any effect on me.
  5. Guess that's why Barack is in then.
  6. So voters determine the best candidate.  is that what I am hearing?
  7. westend1


    Which idiot was insulted? Anybody specific?
  8. Might be the last chance to get into a bowl.  Gig em
  9. westend1


    I didn't know this many idiots owned computers.   My bad.
  10. westend1


    Change of subject noted.
  11. westend1


    Should I end all my posts with something like "Nash won't understand it"   or "That will fly right past Nash"?  Not sure why he felt the need to take a shot at me there.  That's it.
  12. westend1


    I see you have no problem with insults unless they are directed at one of the clones.
  13. westend1


    The Dept of Defense probably disagrees with you, moron.
  14. westend1


    [Hidden Content]   I'm not saying who is responsible for sequestration, but this is from the CDC.
  15. westend1


    Have you ever seen "The Fugitive"?   I don't care.    Idiots blaming Obama because nurses got ebola .  I don't care.   They just look stupid.
  16. westend1


    smh    Pop in to see what's happening and this is what the argument is about?   
  17. westend1


    What ebola situation?
  18. westend1


    LOL.  More " lieing ads are being ran"    Really?
  19. Well,i did shoot a doe this weekend and my son shot a hog.  Had a 30" axis at 15 yards but he heard me when I drew and stopped in the brush.  Wanted him bad.
  20. Last jv thread I open.   Way weird
  21. Is it somehow different from when pubes were in office?
  22. No kidding.  What happened to all the longhorn posters?
  23. Game day!   gig em!
  24. Your funny 5gallon.  Act like a Christian.  Oh, I forgot.  You are.
  25. So let me clarify for you.  I believe in science.  Secular has nothing to do with it.
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