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Everything posted by westend1

  1. What was the original question?
  2. God didnt say those things.  Some man said them.
  3. Not really, but the odds of losing the emails are apparently not even close to the stuff cited on the conspiracy sites.  Just wanted you to see what computer gurus said about it.
  4. [Hidden Content]
  5. I guess all of the big 12 does the same thing when UT starts singing about A&M.  Actually. I bet nobody cares what either fight song uses for lyrics.
  6. It wasnt an actual fence.  In most places it was cameras and motion detectors.  It was too expensive and it didnt work.
  7. Nah.  You got knotted up when I called a spade a spade.   I f somebody knows about  his past, and still votes for him.  does that mean that they have low info?;   Of course not.  They just disagree with you.  Now go back and read your own post.  You might feel silly.
  8. Go to politifact and see which president has deported the most.
  9. Right you are.  We have deported more than entered the last few years.  That wasnt happening back then.
  10. I'm sure somebody out there cares what you think about the Aggie fight song.  Why are you obsessing over it anyhow?
  11. LOL! Yeah. Our borders were completely secure before 2008. Low information?
  12. Not a different deal. The people who throw that term around no basically nothing about the people they are calling out. You have no real idea how much these people know, or don't know, about the candidates. Frankly, most people don't keep up the the issues and political platforms of all the candidates. By your definition, most people, and that includes Republicans, vote with low information.
  13. Not you, but show me where you called out anyone else for this low info voter thing.
  14. Pot/Kettle. All that stuff
  15. [Hidden Content]
  16. I Think I can safely say that no Aggie fan is envious of the UT football program right now.
  17. Meh. There were a few idiots who thought Bush should wade through the New Orleans flood waters.  Now there are a few idiots who think Obama needs to dip his toe in the Rio Grande.   Dumb. 
  18. Does he own some land?  LOL.
  19. Not sure why I can no longer copy and paste a link.   Had some beautiful examples of brilliant voters from Mississippi. :D
  20. LOL.  Do you really want me to respond with video clips of ignorant republican voters?   There are plenty of them.  My favorite quote   "Im not prejudiced.  I just don't think we need a black person in the whitehouse"
  21. If the constitution was easily understandable, we wouldn't need a supreme court.
  22. You were going to complain no matter what he did. Flame on.
  23. Had Obama visited the border he would just be accused of wasting money, or even worse, some conspiracy theory would evolve about him encouraging illegal immigration while he was down there.    What good would it really do for him to go there?  Just another thing for the right to complain about. 
  24. So why is Newt getting credit? I thought he did it all himself.
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