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Everything posted by westend1

  1. Come on mat. You are better than that. Tebow was invited to a prayer breakfast with the president. Sam got a call. Who got preferential treatment?
  2. You know many federal agents?
  3. About the same as the Tebow congrats.  Maybe a little quicker.
  4.   show us where this bit of info came from.
  5. They issued a statement on it yesterday.
  6. Is the video continuous?  Then it was edited.  Not rocket science.
  7. It's doctorate.  However, many people (lawyers for example) hold doctorates.  They don't usually insist on being called "doctor".
  8. Mot gonna watch some video where they edited out the answers they didn't like.
  9. We disagree.  All of the bible was written by man.  Man makes mistakes.  But I get it.  Every religion thinks that they have all the answers.
  10. You got me Aledo.  I do not believe that everything in the bible is God's word.  But that does not make me a non believer.
  11. [Hidden Content]
  12. Wow Pam. Scientists were the ones who proved the earth went around the sun. It was the church that fought the idea. You have everything in reverse. Does beilief in the big bang theory make one a non believer?
  13. Yeah, well I was asked my opinion and you got it. Sorry it doesn't fit neatly within your conspiracy theories.
  14. Sounds like he shouldnt have declined the military assistance that was offered. As I said in an earlier post, we should find out who denied the extra security and why he declined help from the military,
  15. The beauty(if you want to call it that) of terrorism. No country to go against. If you had a lick of sense, you would see the difficulties. I think Obama has a pretty good record of going after terrorist groups. Americans also dies in Beirut. Who paid for that and which president was it that didn't respond?
  16. It's not general public. it is most scientists. There is a difference.
  17. That is your ASSUMPTION.  I get it.
  18. Total BS.   Apparently,  Stevens turned down military security twice.    The question is, why?   I don't know the answer, but to say that nobody responded to the request goes against the evidence.   As for the IRS, I suspect(actually, I know) that agents were told to crack down on political parties who were scamming the system.     Those claiming tax exempt status when they were really political movements.  The easiest targets were those who identified themselves as parties.  ie-tea party
  19. I know it was a planned attack.  Doesn't mean that elements in the area weren't motivated by the video.  I think the real terrorists used it for a cover.  You disagree?
  20. There are tons of Dems more educated than you, so give that up.  And, quit trying to change the subject.  it gets old.
  21. Yeah, and the big "investigation"  is right out of the righty handbook.  That's why they don't have a president now nor a candidate with a chance of winning next time. 
  22. Don't know about the IRS, but, in order for your statement to be true,  I would have to believe that not 1 person was stirred up over the video, and I would have to believe that both Obama and Hillary knew beyond any doubt that not one person on site was stirred up over the video.   Given the state of affairs over there at the time(Cairo), that is too much for me to buy in to.  This is the only way it could be a "total lie".
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