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Everything posted by westend1

  1. I ask, because they plead guilty to stealing the money.  With sentencing guidelines, the only way it helps them is acceptance of responsibility.  It's not like they took a lesser crime.
  2. What makes you think they got "a deal"?
  3. Good financial standing doesn't mean there wasnt a lot of theft and waste.  It simply means that Beaumont was contributing a lot of money.  Give me a few million, and I'll have a pretty nice looking checking balance.  As for accreditation, looks like there are some indications that cheating was going on.   We will see if that was the case.
  4. Chill. You asked a question, and I tried to answer it. Not sure what issue you thought that the mayor should have been involved with. I assure you that the mayor is not looking at BISD checkbooks.
  5. My only problem with Butch AS OF NOW,  is that we didn't seem to get our moneys worth.  A guy who was compensated so well should have done a better job of oversight.  Some of this went on during his watch.
  6. Not sure what you think the mayor should have done.   The school district is not a part of the mayors' responsibility.  What issue are you talking about?
  7. Interestingly, there are a couple of board members who wouldn't mind getting kicked off IF they all go.  
  8. Kind of, but I wasn't dumb enough to post that stuff.
  9. They very well may.  Many already have, but they are not happy yet, and they have a judge who thinks they are right.  Until all that gets resolved, all of the conspiracy theories mean nothing.
  10. Only?   Thats actually higher than i figured.   
  11. To be clear, I am all for the pipeline.  I just think it is ironic that the right goes all in for a rancher who won't pay a nominal grazing fee, then they fail to support real landowners who don't want the pipeline and instead choose to blame all the delays on Obama. By the way, this is the most complete article I could find [Hidden Content]
  12. [Hidden Content]   Here is one.  Google Nebraska landowners verses keystone.  You can find plenty on it.
  13. Has he been "touched"? I must have missed it.
  14. Never watch it. Sounds like you do. I prefer CNN
  15. Idiotic question. You should ask, "what percentage of Nebraskans with land being crossed by the pipeline, were complaining"
  16. The stinking hypocracy of liberals makes normal people want to puke!!
  17. Funny. More Nebraska landowners were complaining than just this guy. Where is all the concern for the everyday guy who owns land and doesn't want the pipeline? No problem with government interference with private landowners? What do you call that? Come on conservatives. There is a word for it.
  18. Some are just lazy, and some need a little help. Sorting through them is the problem. You want less government, but the people deciding who needs help verses who is just lazy don't have time to sort through them all. I had a renter who was just worthless. Hope she never receives aid again. Then again, I had a couple who worked very hard. They got off assistance after a year. Glad we as a nation, could help those people get a start on life.
  19. We already spend something like 10x the next country on military gear.   How much is enough?
  20. Happy easter,Mat
  21. The conversation has been pretty good, but suddenly, the threads have gotten kind of silly again.  Wonder what happened? 
  22. So tell us,  If you were president, what would you do about Crimea?
  23. I'm not even asking.
  24. Not much of a factor, in my opinion. As I noted, we have seen aggressvie behavior both when we had hawkish presidents and those considered dovish.  Now, do you honestly think Russia would really behave differently with regards to Crimea if Romney  or any other Republican candidate were in office? 
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