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Everything posted by westend1

  1. Sure.  He should do what he thinks is right.  Now he might risk losing fed funding somewhere down the line, but that is his choice.    Did you have any particular one in mind?   Might help the discussion somewhat.
  2. Kind of.  I think if the legislature passes a law which the "enforcer"  ultimately believes will be struck down as unconstitutional, then he should place his priorities elsewhere.
  3. No.  It is not a concern.  The State AGs will do whatever they choose.  It is not some kind of command.  And frankly, they would probably be better off if they don't try to enforce what usually turns out to be some unconstitutional law.   JMO
  4. Probably because it's views are not mainstream. get it?
  5. LOL.  MSNBC is mainstream, but they don't have nearly the viewership of FOX.  That's just dumb.
  6. [Hidden Content]; So, just compare the first 5 years.
  7. . Who issued more executive orders?
  8. the sample for the question was small and recharacterized the sample as "those who reported voting for Barack Obama in 2012 but would vote for someone else if the election were held again" from "those who voted for Barack Obama in 2012."   Really?  No wonder this wouldn't be seen in mainstream media, whatever that is.
  9. Yeah.  No Republican has ever changed his/her stance for politics.  OOPS.  Forgot about Romneycare.
  10. Please don't feed the troll.
  11. [Hidden Content]
  12. This is pretty much my sentiment.  We obviously define killing, child and person very differently.       oops.  See below.
  13. You are pushing that weak-minded view now.   "Let's let the states decide, even if it might violate somebody's consitutional rights."   That is your view, right?
  14. Children they murder.  Typical.
  15. Don't know Bo Kelley, but the Hiliard guy has always seemed like a straight shooter.
  16. 2 person limit of flounder today.  Not bad for mid-February.
  17. I honestly never knew that CHristians had some special view of yoga.
  18. You are partially correct.  lots of killing comes from power crazy fanatics.   But, look at today.   Lots of killing comes from differences in religion.   Some is real, some is blamed on religion, but it is just a way to get religious masses to fight for a cause, even if they don't understand it.  Imagine.
  19. I guess it was a jab.  But honestly, you don't mind a man/woman display of public affection.  it is only the homo thing that bothers you.  Right?   You were trying to be politically correct.
  20. What do you mean putting "your sexual lifestyle on out on the street"?  You think it's wrong for a couple to hold hands in public?   Is kissing your girlfiend when the Aggies score a touchdown  offensive to you? 
  21. [Hidden Content]     Now they don't want them to get regular services?  Are you kidding?
  22. Hmmm..I thought Edwards was convicted after he left office.
  23. Everybody ban together
  24. I take it you don't like drones
  25. They don't call it the bible belt for nothing.
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