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Everything posted by Texas_baseball08

  1. Great Job Wildcats!!!! This was a good game, cant wait to see them in action friday or Sat. night against Kopperl!! Hope the game is a little closer this time!!!
  2. NO NO NO he is not good at all!!!! I have seen him play ball ALOT and he in no way throws 85 from the outfield!!!! And Woodville will come no where close to winning district Because no one in the state will beat Central Heights!!!!! They are to good this year and woodville is on a very weak year!!
  3. Yeah they do have a chance but i dont see it happening this year!! but you never know things happen throughout the year that no one can belive!! Can't wait to see how this district turns out!!!
  4. I also have to say that Parker Phillips from Jasper is a really good player!!! He will be play third again this year! One of the returning from last years state team!! He will also be seeing alot of mound time!! ;D ;D
  5. My bad Ty! Got them on there now :)
  6. Let See what everyone things about this year??? Tell us why you think they will win!
  7. wow a 2 deep pithching staff....impresive :o You keep thinking that Doody. :-* yalls pitching staffs smells like doody all the way in HJ...the only guy whos any good out of all of those guys is hicks! When its all said and done you will be singing, "BC is MyDaddy Once Again." Sorry to bust both you yalls bubbles but Jasper was both of yalls daddy last year!!!!
  8. Jasper pitching staff is going to be as strong as it has ever been!! I think this is a deeper pitching staff than last year! They have Justin parsons and Aaron Stephenson returning from the state Tournament with Parker Phillips, Marx Marchental, Cord Yates, and they have a new kid that might be a pretty good!!
  9. Jasper by 12 they will have everyone back and healthy!
  10. Hart-Jasper is prob. going to be the best outfielder in Southeast Texas although i here the kid from LCM is very good also!! But Bronson from Jasper will be playing outfield this year and he has got some wheels on him with a excellent glove not so sure about his arm but keep an eye on him throughout the year!!!
  11. If underclassmen mean Sophmores then by far Matt Hicks is the best underclassman in Southeast Texas!! The kid can straight up play ball!!!
  12. This team is going to be very young but i hear there is alot of talent coming up!! I look for BC to be a competitor in this district if some of the older guys like Jackson and step up and be a good leader!! I am looking forward to the Jasper/BC game cant wait!!!!
  13. I agree alot with this article!!! I had the opportunity to watch The Carthage playoff games...where Jackson was supurb! His bat was great!! Then i also had the chance to watch him play against Jasper the following playoff games where everyone could tell how much his shoulder was effecting his game, because he had a few bad and very critical throws to first base! that could have been the difference in one of those games! I also belive that Jasper vs BC was the state championship game! They were the best two teams in the state! With Carthage right behide those to! If they would have had a little bit better bats they would have won state hands down because they had the pitching!!! But all in all i think Jackson is a very great baseball player, cant wait to see him in this upcoming year!!!
  14. I do have to say that i think my old team...JASPER has i very good shot at winning it again...they have the team...just got to get them mentaly tough...and i think Mixon is going to handle that!
  15. Ok week after week i see all these new teams on here...but i got on question why isnt Brookeland on here because they have beat...BIG SANDY...and WARREN!!!!!!
  16. CAN YOU SAY STALKER!!!!! LOL well let just put straight to the point brookeland would beat BS AGAIN!!! it wasnt a suprise brookelands good this year got a lot of talent also they have veteran and young players also the SCRIMMAGE against spurger only two quarters played...spurger and brookeland will play again this year and its brookeland by 10...but give spurger credit...there pretty good...but brookelands better hands down!!
  17. What is every one's thought on small 1A schools such as: Brookeland Groodrich Legget Laneville and other.....
  18. Brookeland has a shot this year!!! they are 4-1 with a 101-94 lose to Laneville..but should have won Laneville was out rebounding them...and was making 3 from half court!!! but if they would have had there big man most likely they would have won!! but Trinity,Newton,Kennard,Central should also be contenders for this one!! My Prediction Brookeland and Newton playing in championship game!! But not sure depends on how brackets work out!!
  19. \ There not hurt CATMAN!!!!! They got kicked off the team....NEED TO LEARN HOW TO STAY OUT OF TROUBLE!!!
  20. NO That is what some stupied person from BC said I think that Matt Hicks is a very good pitcher....but i dont even know who the other guy is...did he even play Varsity last year?????
  21. HELLO CLASS 3A STATE CHAMPS!!! Everyone wants to beat Jasper!
  22. \\ Guys hate to tell you but Jasper Pitching Staff is the same pitching Staff that won them a state championship last year...but yeah BC will have a pretty good pitching staff...but Jasper will pull out the sticks and slap the ball all over the park just like last year!!
  23. Jeff Stringer i had no respect for you up until now...and i apologize for just judging you....but that was a class act!!! yall had a great year...and i know you will have a great career a LU...good luck!!
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