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Everything posted by rhino1877

  1. Deweyville-Keep your chin up and fight harder next time!
  2. Any type of loss SUCKS! But I think leading the whole game and then losing in any come from behind is the hardest. But I cannot stand to lose period!
  3. Attendance is UP! Awesome to see all the people out! 8)
  4. DOn't take shots at the lower level....This was not even part of the discussion. Get the facts straight. Plus soccer is a little different. 15-0 would be like 105 -0 and I don't think any juniour high could score that many points in a game.
  5. Are they going to play today?
  6. You have got to throw in Stapert out in Spurger. He did a tremendous job this year!
  7. Last night, after a lot of people left they had the auction for The Julie Rogers Foundation. The wildcatters fans raised over 81,000 dollars in donations. It was awesome site. This goes to show you what the catters mean to this community. I hope the county sees it that way as well. We need to keep the catters here! My family goes to every home series. We have the best team in the ECHL!
  8. Track got messed up and is being redone.
  9. I am ready!!!
  10. I would go with 60-40 if that would make the county happy, but they are trying to throw the screws into the Catters.
  11. ATM had an off night, just like Texas did about a week ago. i would like to see them have a rubber match during the tournament. But Texas looked really good last night! Hook'em Horns!
  12. Done.
  13. It will be a sad day if Beaumont loses the Catters!!!
  14. He should have never left ATM!!!!
  15. I surely hope not! I love to go and watch the Catters!
  16. They could hear what he was saying. He was trying to get them to move and they could hear what direction or anything.
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