Section 5. FIGHTING ARTICLE 1 a. Before, during any intermission, or during the game, squad members in uniform and coaches shall not participate in a fight. (Rule 2-32-1). PENALTY - 15 yards from the basic spot or the succeeding spot and disqualification for the remainder of the game. b. During either half, any person authorized to be in the team area shall not leave their team area to participate in a fight. EXCEPTION: Coaches designated by their head coach prior to the game may enter and leave their team area to act as peacemakers. It is recommended that at least one coach remain in their team area to assist in preventing persons from leaving their team area to participate in a fight. PENALTY - 15 yards from the basic spot or the succeeding spot and disqualification for the remainder of the game. NOTE: Persons leaving the team area during a fight are to be penalized for fighting. ARTICLE 2. Coaches who are disqualified for fighting may not be in the Playing Enclosure during the remainder of the game. (See 2-31-5 for the definition of the Playing Enclosure). ARTICLE 3. It is strongly recommended that coaches who are designated as peacemakers contact only their players in their attempt to stop a fight.