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Everything posted by rhino1877

  1. Gonna be worth the watch!!!!!!
  2. I'm rubber and you're glue, whatever you say bounces off me and sticks to you..... is this a third grade argument???? LOL
  3. Congrats Dville!!!!!
  4. I heard they have some in Houston and dallas, but other than that I don't think there are any in this area.
  5. Its going to get interesting once the numbers finally come out.... I think there will be alot of movement
  6. Why such a hatred or dislike for DV and Vidor?
  7. Keep us updated BB!!!!
  8. Can someone confirm this?
  9. Congrats to Coach Hooks!!!!!
  10. Wow... great game
  11. Grow Up and Move on....
  12. Jasper vs. Newton would be a good one!
  13. Your trainer stood the player up and tried to get him walk it off. It was no one's choice but the Jasper coaches and trainers. If they would have asked for a cart or stretcher I am very sure it would have been provided.
  14. It's Jasper.... Enjoy that steam roller when they come into town!
  15. So playing Saturday was not a viable option? Asking for a friend.....lol
  16. Early retirement? Part Time? Get out of here.... Again... Over opinionated.... You know zero about the teaching profession.
  17. Prayers for the Johnston Family and the Newton Community! THSFB just lost a great one and He will most surely be missed.
  18. Top 6 still 8-1 BC batting
  19. I'll take that bet!!!!!!!! How much are we talking about? lol
  20. Good Luck Coach Bass
  21. So very sad. Coach Butler was a great guy! Prayers for the Butler/West Brook families
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