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Everything posted by Shepinto

  1. If he could just pull for a better team. Looks like they lost another one and are now .500
  2. Not all three this year but 2 out of 3 ain't bad.
  3. I second that. Great job Coach. Not only that, and I promise this will be the last time I mention it. boomersooner wanted to wear the white pants too but he became a believer. All joking aside, thanks to both of yall for coaching my kids. I guarantee they are way better football players than they were when you got them. Not only that the example that both of yall set for my boys is just as important. They have really learned alot. If you didn't get what you expected out of them I hope it wasn't because they didn't give you the effort. They really enjoyed football this year. BigD guess where #8 is tonight? Sitting in the Stadium waiting for the Cowboys game to get started. That boy won't be home until about 3am. Oh I almost forgot I was signed in under someone elses name. This is td.
  4. Whats the latest update on LCM?
  5. When you almost win you still lose. It was a good game. A game of two halfs. There was a little pushing throughout the game. I was proud of WOS players. Most of them stayed on the sidelines. It got ugly but didn't last too long. I didn't hear the final stats but earlier in the week someone was saying that Daytons QB would go for 400 yards by himself. I don't think that happened. Dayton really shut us down in the first half but as usual we made our half time adjustments.
  6. Pretty sure they lost last night,but not sure about today!
  7. Congrats to the Roughriders! Orange Pinto missed playing against LeJeune and Vidrine at Groves and without Trawhon in Orange --but are really glad to hear y'all did so well.
  8. It was fun to be at State and watch both Orange and Vidor. Congrats to both teams--it is truly an accomplishment just to be there! TD mentioned that there are about 700 All-star teams, but he didn't mention that they were told there are approx. 3,000 league teams, 700 all-star teams and 16 get to State. I know Orange boys were quite disappointed, but enjoyed their time, I hope Vidor did as well. As for Regionals, still don;t understand them and hope something changes. In the final 4, there were 3 teams from the Fort Worth area, and 1 from Corpus Christi. In additon, there was an Irving team and a Dallas team. How can the Golden Triangle and Houston only have 2 teams. I am sure there is a reason, it just seems odd. We have WAY too much talent to only be represented by one team from this area as I am sure Houston does as well! TD, Chad, Dave and Kent--awesome job---can't ask for anything better! Oh well, football starts soon, Fall ball starts soon and school starts soon! Another enjoyable summer!
  9. Hey, Ryaneaux, correct story, but it also happened in Sour Lake and that is what this guy refers to. IN SOur Lake, they did have cops patrolling or really driving by on Thursday night. You are referring to the Shetland tournament in Orange when the TC fan was asked to leave and made some more comments and YES, Orange cops did have to be called. WOW! TC has those fans too?
  10. Piratefan, did you get your fruity drinks and plenty of umbrellas to go with it????Sounds great! I am jealous! I wish that Orange coach would take me for a fruity drink! However, I don't think baseball is quite over!!!!! ;) In response to JDP and his accusations that a man made a woman flee to her car, if that was the case, then he should have been made accountable for his actions--no matter where he was from- Orange, Vidor, TC, Groves. If an offical was harrassed in the parking lot, he should have had something done about it as well. And, why would we (Orange) be mad at Vidor fans???? No offense to Vidor at all, but Orange beat Vidor and there were NO problems during that game. It was the announcer from TC and the man from Orange who were arguing!!!!! The man who got into the verbal match with the female announcer was completely wrong and I said so in my original post. However, as I said, she not only represented TC as a host team, but she was the announcer of the game. She should have ignored the man or asked for help--there were plenty of men standing around her. I walked over to her during this verbal altercation and very politely mentioned that despite this man's uproar, Orange knew they played Thursday and not Friday, despite what the bracket said (That's what started this whole thing). She very rudely began to shake the roster in my face saying she couldn't help it if the coach didn't put positions down, etc. I frankly didn't realize that is what the discussion had turned to, so I didn't get into that part. It doesn't bother me a bit if positions aren't called. ANyway, JDP, Groves was out of the tournament by this time, it was Orange and Vidor. Next, there isn't all this fighting in Orange. All these posts have to do with one team, one season and several peoples thoughts about it all. In fact, that team lost out to Vidor and it is all over-- :-[ :-[ :-[ As for the water, my guess is Vidor didn't have it either, they probably didn't drink it all to spite Orange. Vidor, did you drink ALL of our water??? That wasn't nice. The funny thing is, I didn't say TC tried to dehydrate our team, I simply said you were told about no water and no one ever got it. In the 3rd inning, our fan went to get it. And, yes, All-Stars were selected in May just as they are EVERY year, the coach is whomever comes in first place that season, so you don't know that until May either. GO Vidor Shetland--even though you beat my baby in Orange!HAHAHAHAH And go Orange Pinto! Orange plays right before Vidor, so it will be a Golden Triangle representation! Again, thanks to B. Bienevue and G. Coit for a great tournament and to all the great kids who played great ball!
  11. Hawk Pride- are you interested in playing Orange ball and not Twin County?
  12. Oh- think you can win that too? I guess the other assistant will have to take care of practice on Saturday then. Coach Chad--could you bring some water to the field by about 5:00 Saturday evening--after that golf tourney and all! The "assistant" coaches want to work on a few things! HAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA.....
  13. Not to take anything away from the young boy whpo had the most HRs in the tournament, but just as we were taking group/team pics, they interupt with this announcement. He should have been recognized and it isn't a big deal as we were just taking pictures. But I guess with the other things being done and said, it made me wonder how insensitive these people could be by interupting us. However, I guess since their fans had walked away from us during our medals, they weren't there to see the boy get this honor either. Oh well, another day in baseball--when's practice, Coach?
  14. BBDad- I forgot about the water incident! SHows you they weren't concerned about Vidor either. It's one thing to not realize the dugout was out of water, another thing NOT to get it after they were told about it! So.......thanks Brandon! And thanks to all the Orange 2 fans that came out to watch! Both teams did a great job!
  15. It doesn't upset me as a parent to be called select--select ball is a good thing. To play as well as a select team shows how well coached we were and how hard the boys played. In fact, we played a in a select tournament to get some playing experience and beat a really good select team! However, when it is done in a derogatory manner--and it was--it is unnecessary! WE BEAT TC because we are a good group of ball players! They are as well--parents just spoil it!
  16. No they are not select, simply selected as All Stars at the end of May. They represent several teams in the Orange Youth Baseball League. They had about 6 weeks to come together as a team and they did and they deserve to win! Our second team was also selected in May and they represented Orange well also! GO ORANGE! Gasilla, my thoughts are with you--it is disturbing--however, nothing should take away from any child playing in this tournament-GREAT JOB to ALL the players!
  17. Piratefan, that sounds GREAT! You should be proud of your boys--all kids who make it this level have something to be proud of! Considering your Shetland's are heading to State after beating our Orange team, I have to say it is nice that our Pinto team is going! We'll try to get by to wacth them if our schedules work out right! Now this will be lengthy!--But I feel it needs to be said! Regarding the tournament held in Sour Lake--it WAS a well run tournament with Bob Bienevue (sp?) and Geaorge Coit. I have some different thoughts on how it could be shorter, but it didn't turn out too bad! I think winning always helps--smile! Hopefully, I can say this and get responses that are true, yet respectful, but I am most disappointed with the Sour Lake fans. THE TC kids were a hard playing team--HRs left and right! Beginning on Wednesday, we had one of our parents virtually in a shouting match with the female announcer about the change of Friday night's championship game to Thursday. It WAS on the bracket for Friday and apparently some of Orange's fans said "No, Friday....." or something to that effect. Well, she repeated it in the microphone with a rude "Thank you very much" ending. Our one erratic fan did get into a stupid verbal match and that as ridiuclous, but she is representing the host team and was the announcer. Next, it was heard by several adults that the Orange team was a "select" team. YOU ARE CORRECT!!!!!! They are a "select" team--they are "selected" from the 11 or 12 OYBS league teams that played hard all season. They were "selected" by all the coaches who represented them--how about "WOW! Those kids have worked hard to get to this level of play!" On Wednesday, after TC beat Orange 2, one of TC's coaches asked one of our coaches "You want a piece of that?" referrng to the the 17-2 (I think) win over Orange 2. Well, we got a piece of that and beat them last night 18-6. After 5 HRs were hit in the first inning alone and both teams got their 5, Orange held them until the 4th inning. Thank you, Sir, for that piece--it was good! The ultimate show of poor sportsmanship was last night, during this game--the TC fans chanted "Select Team" over and over as they clapped. Somehow, during this chant, one of our boys hit yet another HR and it stopped them. And lastly, Orange watched, clapped and waited for the TC boys to be called and given their medals. This team was a hard team, hit hard, played hard and obviously were good enough to be in the championship. BUT......the TC fans walked away as our team was called out and given their medals. It is not as if they had any part in the hard work of our kids and they didn't HAVE to be there--we had the kids, their coaches and the family and friends of these kids to clap hard and yell for them! They are deserving of this championship! But it is called respect and this it how you teach your children. Sportsmanship is very hard to learn--but these kids can't learn when the adults surrounding them don't have it either! Thanks, Mr. Bienevue, for a great tournament and thank you to all the kids who worked so hard to get to that tournament. It takes dedication of you and your parents to forgo your summer to practice and play hard! GO ORANGE--ALL THE WAY TO STATE!
  18. Orange 1 beat Vidor 15-1 at the end of the 4th. Orange was hard to beat last night, hope it holds true tonight when we play Vidor or TC. GO ORANGE! Orange2- congrats on being in the top 4, and being the only "2" team left. The boys played hard--good job!
  19. Does Orange 1 play Vidor 1 Wednesday night? Or does Vidor have to play tonight and the winner of that game play Orange? I hear Orange played a great game as did Groves! It is always great to win, but it is really great to win when both teams play well! These teams have a lot of talent! Can't wait to see them play again! GO Orange!
  20. Great job Vidor- my son plays for Orange and we sure wished the outcome was different! Good luck at state!
  21. Great game to Orange and Vidor- Vidor beat us, but the Orange boys played hard. Season is over and they will soon be on to Fall ball and football- but for now, let's remember what a great season they had in league and All-Stars. Sometimes it is hard to remember that they are only 5-6 yrs-old! Great job to all the coaches--it was fun while it lasted! Thanks for a great season!
  22. Go Orange! Wish I could be there to watch today! Hopefully, the rain will hold inorange and we can cont the Shetland tournament
  23. ANy news on the weather in SOur Lake? It is raining in Orange as we speak, a hard drizzle!
  24. I say that picture of the batter is cute! I am told he is not cute, he is in "correct form!" Whatever!!!!! Go Orange!
  25. OK- I thought Vidor would have to lose twice, but someone made the comment about it being a "final" game and the winner of that one game would the winner. Anyway, you are correct, those guys have done an excellent job with the field so far! That is a hard job and thankless by most people--so thank you!
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