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Everything posted by crazy_cajun02

  1. might be a little moe than an hour but you can go to anahuac willife refuge.....as the water cools and clears sow trout should start moving in. always plenty of redfish and flounder there.
  3. to be honest if your chasing bull reds go down to high island when it is windy and the surf is really churning. Go left at the cut off , yeah i know it's the nude beach but you really won't see anybody if you don't go too far down. I'd say go about 3/4 mile. Use fresh cut bait, sand anchor , heavy leader and drop it right in the gut between first and second sand bar. For some reason the bull reds like that churnin surf. Set the clickers and wait. You might have to contend with some gaftops but shouldn't have too many sharks. Fresh crab quarters work excelent also. sight casting to them in the shallows is still my favorite though.
  4. bwahahahahaha now that's funny right there..............at least you'd be eating good ..........
  5. I'd go fish the gut between the first and secon sandbar.........If want in on some sight casting to big schools get up in the shallow flat's in west bay or any bay that has clear water. They've really hit the shallows in the last 2 weeks. Or right where it drops out. I've been sight casting with either a super spook or Top Dog or a H&H spinner connected to a weedless weighted worm hook with a TTF super flats minnow (Pumkinseed/chartreuse) the spinner has worked the best. Also a gulp shrimp (molting or gray color and new penny) under a mansfield mauler with no weight just a kahle hook. On the topwaters i've been getting big blowups and no hookups, i started leaving it still for a couple of seconds after a blow up and then twitching 3 or 4 times and then they murder it.
  6. hmmm......tell them to check out "The Redfish Tour".
  7. I'll check them out.......do they sponsor? I need sponsors for next year........
  8. actually redfish can be in either salt or fresh water, flounder as well............I was talking about the tournament part. All the tournaments i fish we have to keep the redfish alive and they seem to do just fine. Of course i've never seen how they do once the breed them but according to the reports there just fine. As long as you keep the water oxygen ritch there stress levels do ok........usually the problem with fish on keeping them alive specifically talking tournaments is the idiot's that put there fingers in the fish's gills why there transporting and taking pictures..........drive's me nuts. Boga grips or a similar tool should be mandatory for live fish tournaments.
  9. I've heard good reports from all the coastal areas, that's good i was worried about the water displacement scattering the birds. Hopefully this full moon will give us a really strong closing weekend with the heavy flight. Any one else have mostly mature drakes? I think we had maybe 2 juveniles the rest were all mature birds.
  10. possible..........I got so many over here it's like seeing a bird. There are so many out in the shallow flats of the bay this year due to the flood displacement it is unreal. opening morning of teal we counted 15 (just babies about 2 1/2 ft) in our flat that we were hunting. still enough to constitute not hunting a dog. The only good thing is when you a lot of really small ones it usually means the bigs aren't around, the bigs one will eat those little ones.
  11. just lay out a plate of diamonds and you won't have any trouble..........
  12. that just aint right..........the food chain really broke down there....
  13. they need that for redfish.........maybe then i'd be interested.
  14. well joe says he didn't get any of the pinnies.......sorry sucker. I thought he did. I was to busy working the calls with brodie to snap one. I wish i would have taken the video camera out there.
  15. NO doubt, in a gumbo and some new alligator skin diapers for the baby. ;D
  16. I'm waiting on the camera man to to send them. He's been sending me 3 at a time. all morning.
  17. We hit our spot abot 8pm friday night set the decoys and went to fishing. Didn't come up with much to show friday night as far as fish. Had one red nock a live mullet and more hardheads than you could count. we had flights of teal migrating in all night though. once LST came around we already had three groups buzz the decoys but couldn't shoot yet. Had steady action until about 8:15 then a 45 minute break and then it picked up again. we had 4 people and should have had a limit by 8:00 but there were a couple of whiffed shots. we made a few drifts out on the flats after hunting and found the redfish pretty thick. we caught at least 3 or 4 each on every drift. TOTALS= 3 greenwings 12 bluewings 4 redfish in the lower slot, 20"-24" Anyone else notice the high number of pinnies flying? we decoyed several decent groups, Man they sure are pretty when they work the calls. Sunday: we had three people and the birds had already relocated either to rice fields that weren't being shot or just found better ponds in the marsh. we could have a limit but it would have taken no one missing a shot. we managed to scratch out 7 birds and seems the redfish moved on also we had a couple blow ups but no takers. TOTALS: 6 bluewings 1 greenwing another 2 flocks of pintail decoyed and photographed.
  18. considering that a game warden is in the picture i would guess TX side. LA side the pictures would never have been taken (no evidence) and the gator would have been eaten.
  19. GEES PEOPLE YOU GOTTA LEARN WHEN I'M JOKING..........gators typically kill there prey then drag it under a log and let it sit for a few days before consuming it. And yes your right usually by ripping it to shreads. As far as the gator being there they got pushed inland by the strong currents in the main rivers. When it flooded they starting seeking shallow holes and eddies. To escape the flood waters. Typically the same occurence will concentrate the hogs on the high ground which is mr. gators favorite meal. I've really noticed them on the edges of the bay flats where they typically stay away from because it is too shallow and salty. and in the backwater ponds of the marsh they are thick. They seem to like the deeper channels when it isn't a ripping current and the sand banks all covered up.
  20. [Hidden Content] check this out............talk about some shootin' oh and we have found a bunch of teal out on a place by the water close the you know..........saw 4 groups of 40+, 5 groups of 15-20, and more single and doubles than i could count. should be on for tomorrow morning as long as the storm surge didn't mess us up.
  23. FREE GAFFING A LING WITH NO GAFF AND HOOKS IN HIS MOUTH.......YOUR BRAVER THAN ME BUDDY........ I've seen a 60lbr freegaffed bust the sides out of a sea chest with someone sitting on top of it. I think i'd of found a way to tail rope him or something.......You may have found the next invention in grabblin sports (noodlin') whatever it's called. Crazy people grabbing catfish by the mouth.
  24. first off it's never to late to teach a dog anything as long you have the patience and the consistency. I would recommend bringing him in to 35yds and and go back to the basics on the whistle. A check cord will prolly help. Teach him that while intermittently still working within his obediance range on the hand signals. Also purely my opinion but i would not use the collar until he knows the whistle commands, and not until he is a year old at least. If he is doing what you say at six months he is gonna be a dang good dog. Just keep patient and don't get excited he's doing good and try to over train him. remember he is still a puppy and still may have a couple more rebelious periods to work through.
  25. DO NOT PUT THAT COLLAR ON A 6 MONTH OLD DOG...........the last thing you want is to train that dog that the collar means obay, and no collar means run ammuck. I would bring the dog in close and not work hand signals any more than check cord length. But what beggs the question have you been through force fetch yet. I assume so if your working hand signals...........I don't ever use a collar unitl i'm confident that the dog responds well in any situation. The collar should be used to sharpen the long distance skill, but only after the commands are well understood. MY personal opinion.........And what is wrong with walter's books........I personally agree more with his style of training than anyone else i've seen. I've talked to alot of trainers that use his style as well.
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