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Everything posted by crazy_cajun02

  1. One of my buddy's went out last weekend from GYB, and said the water was still "trout green to the sand" 45 miles out. This runoff still has stuff messed up as far as clarity. They caught some nice snaps 20-25", and a limit of ling. Found a weedline 35 miles out holding big schools of ballyhoo and hardtails but no pelagics. Sounds like a good spot to find a sailfish hanging out if those ballyhoo are still there. I'd take a cast net or something to try and catch em live, i don't know how effective the sabinki's are on them. Live ballyhoo freelined 50 miles out........no telling what you will come up with. May catch a STAR tourny winnig fish............Good luck to ya'll. Tight Lines and Following Seas,
  2. Bring on the sun and dry out the ground.......looks like the pace tract is gonna be crowded opening morning.
  3. Forecast as of 10:10 am CDT on July 31, 2007 Synopsis For High Island To The Matagorda Ship Channel Out 60 Nautical Miles Including Galveston And Matagorda Bays Synopsis For High Island To Matagorda Ship Channel Out 60 Nm The pressure gradient across the Upper Texas coastal waters and bays will remain relatively flat resulting in a light onshore flow along with low seas. Forecast as of 10:10 am CDT on July 31, 2007 Waters From Freeport To The Matagorda Ship Channel Out 20 Nm- Waters From High Island To Freeport Out 20 Nm- Waters From Freeport To The Matagorda Ship Channel 20 Nm To 60 Nm- Waters From High Island To Freeport 20 To 60 Nm- This Afternoon South winds 5 to 10 knots. Seas 2 feet. Tonight South winds 5 to 10 knots becoming southwest after midnight. Seas 2 feet or less. A slight chance of showers and thunderstorms early in the evening. Wednesday Variable winds 5 to 10 knots. Seas 2 feet or less. A slight chance of showers and thunderstorms. Wednesday Night Southeast winds 5 to 10 knots becoming south after midnight. Seas 2 feet or less. A slight chance of showers and thunderstorms in the late evening. Thursday South winds around 5 knots becoming southeast in the afternoon. Seas around 2 feet. A chance of showers and thunderstorms. Thursday Night Southeast winds 5 to 10 knots becoming south after midnight. Seas around 2 feet. A slight chance of showers and thunderstorms after midnight. Friday Southeast winds 5 to 10 knots. Seas around 2 feet. A slight chance of showers and thunderstorms. Friday Night South winds 5 to 10 knots becoming southwest after midnight. Seas around 2 feet. A slight chance of showers and thunderstorms after midnight. Saturday South winds around 5 knots. Seas around 2 feet. A slight chance of showers and thunderstorms in the morning. Saturday Night South winds 5 to 10 knots becoming southwest after midnight. Seas around 2 feet.
  4. I will be at the 4th ANNUAL DCC SHOUTOUT on saturday. How far out you goin' I see the 85+ degree water line is slowly creeping back in. The big kings should be pushing in closer. There use to be a downed rig just barely sticking out of the water heading south west towards the claypiles from sabine. I don't know the gps numbers off hand but i've pulled some big ling and a couple 50+ pound kings off of it. One of them jerked a rod right of my buddy's hand. Its about that time of the year to start chasing the blackfins underneath the shrimpers.
  5. well I went wade fishing out at rollover (on the bay side) on saturday. Outgoing tide somewhat salty water, a little off color, and the reds and black drum were stacked on the oyster reef. They were tialing in about 6 inches of water. I was like a kid in a candy store being the only person on the reef. I tried a topwater but they didn't go for it so i switched to a mansfield mauler with a short 5 inch leader and a gulp crab and the fight was on. i counted at any given time 15-20 tails. I ended the day with 3 released bulls and 2 released 30# black drum and a 22" for eats. I headed in. I got tired of fighting the mud and the fish in that oyster shell and i fryed my phone when i fell in the drink.
  6. My votes with Mark, dead mangy coyote...
  7. I saw this over on another board. A bunch of people are saying its the chupacabra.
  8. Late full moon in august might help migration for opening weekend. I am still seeing whitewings everywhere....Primer is itching for feathers in the mouth that's for sure.
  9. Had to be.......Cameras can be tricky though. Either way they're bending a rod and mine are JEAULOUS!!!!!!!!! I can guarentee it wasn't over here, even TPWD is reporting fresh water in the bay......you know it's bad when they report it.
  10. Yeppers......How high is the trinity......I bet all this rain is clearing out some holes that were previously covered in hyacinth....I can't wait for the campout the night before the opener, minus the skeeters but there a minor problem. Hopefully we can get some flounder gigging in while we wait.
  11. figured i'd just sit by the squirrel feeder in my back yard.........
  12. We would have to adjust some part of the season by 14 days not 7 as I previously stated. That is a lot of good speck hunting taken off the front of the season when they are most abundant. The real answer is for WFs to rebound to a 3 year running average exceeding 800,000! We'll get our 14 days back. This is a good example of how difficult this process is and how there really is not fix all. But we are listening!
  13. The one thing I can assure you on is we will always fight for our coastal goose hunters to shoot your 2 specks a day. I'll visit with Dave and Vernon this evening over some adult drinks in the hospitality room about this as see what we can do. The one really good point made is there really aren't many canadas in the country the first week of November so that leaves two potential options.....SWS on dark geese either late or early.....or wack 7 days off the canada goose season completely and open the dark goose season a week later????? That would only allow you to shoot snows and ducks the first week of November??
  14. Originally posted by Chuckwagon Kevin, any chance of further discussion amongst the movers and shakers about changing the specklebelly season to run concurrent with duck or canada season? Just so you know with the exception of some trying to take our 1 mottled duck away this is one of my biggest petpeeves with waterfowl regs in Texas. We are openly and publicly opposed to season with in seasons on ducks and currently we have a darn season with in season on dark geese in the east zone. I hate having it the way we do currently and personally wish you guys would let us go to 1 WF to level out the seasons......with that being said I do realize and fully understand why that is not prefereed by our goose hunters. But, the solution to the issue I don't think is trading days from the beginning to the end so that the seasons close on the same day. Some could and have made the argument that they would prefer that they all open the same day when it's not quite as cold and geese are less pressured etc. By falling back on the data...we basically went with the later because peak WF populations in Texas occur early and not late. Data has shown is some years we loose greater that 50% WFs in Texas from October to January. We continue to try and maximize hunter opportunity and harvest as much as the frameworks allow. We always are open to suggestions and actually do listen to them....ie. - hunting till the end of allowable frameworks....two WF instead of one etc. If we get significant comments on doing as you suggest it could happen. Prior to the August commission meeting we take comments via the web as well as phone in to Dave or Vernon. Thoughts??
  15. sorry bro, I been watching the GOM satelite an it's like this for a while. Its solid red and orange almost to the yucatan. I'm itching to get offshore...........
  16. Any one fishing it??? I'm thinking about it. CCA Louisiana/ >Louisiana Fish Fry Redfish Challenge > >CCA Louisiana Redfish Challenge, sponsored by Louisiana Fish Fry, is >rapidly approaching. The location is Calcasieu Point Landing in Lake >Charles on August 18th! > >If you're lucky you can bring home some CASH, as well as fish two >tournaments at once! Fish both the Redfish Challenge and S.T.A.R. at >the same time. Make sure your membership is current in both the CCA and >S.T.A.R.! Please call the CCA office 225-952-9200 to register for S.T.A.R. >and learn more about Louisiana's biggest saltwater fishing tournament. > >Teams of 3 fish for 2 redfish between 16" & 27" (live weigh in) > >Registration is going on now! Due to website construction, the entry >forms and rules can be found in the postings on rodnreel.com and >louisianasportsman.com. Simply download the entry form, print it and >mail or fax it in. > > >Prior to August 4th: $300 per team > >After August 4th: $400 per team > >CASH paid for 1st thru 25th place > >*Fish entered will be tagged by CCA Louisiana & The Aquarium of the >Americas and released in the Calcasieu Lake Estuary. > >See you there!
  17. Change up I sure hope you out there and wacked em' again before this rain hit. It's good to know there is some salt water trying to hold on to it's coastal claim.
  18. Still a 3 bird canada limit for the east zone but we are going to a 4 bird bag for the west zone. Short Grass Prairie canada geese have done good enough the past 3 years that we were able to add a bird to the bag this year. If you recall the SGP population of canada geese was the only goose population in North America that was decreasing....looks like they have made the turn for now. update on the goose regs for this upcoming year.
  19. Definitely liberal regs for ducks. Hunters Choice will again be in effect.....just a quick side note on how HC worked last year compared to the previous season with season within a season.....mottled duck harvest decreased by 33% (even though we saw excellent production) pintails went up 9% or about 10,000 birds (much lower than was predicted by the models) and canvasbacks went down 9% (about what we expected). This is just one year of data but it appears to have been successful thus far by not over harvesting pintails....just for reference 25% was the break point set for unacceptable harvest increase under HC....we came in way under that. this was posted by an official from TPWD up at a conference of sorts
  20. It appears that Rita was definitely good for the West Gulf Population of mottled ducks. In light of the good conditions we are seeing for motts the FWS is not going to seek additional harvest restrictions in TX or LA for an additional year. Just a side note....LA saw a 66% increase in mottled duck harvest......a real sign of how well the birds are doing in their state. this also in from and official in TPWD up in the pothole region at a meeting of sorts.
  21. I don't know how many other people this affects but i am still trying to pay my severance.......This email was sent by one of my seargents. Date: Fri, 29 Jun 2007 10:42:10 -0500 > >I sent this out this morning. I have worked on it for a couple of weeks. >Some of it might sound alittle harsh, but it is True!!! So, lock me up >and throw away the key! > "Semper Fi" >That is Our motto, let it be Theirs!!! > Mikie................out!!! >P.S. It might be the last time you'll hear from me for they might send >the cia hit squad to get me. Ha Ha Maybe this can help out all of the >other Vets whom have just thrown their hands up and said, the hell with >it. Dear Senator Dole and Secretary Shalala, Severance pay No one is talking about this "great deal" of Military Disability Severance Pay and the VA's process of Taking it back from the service member called "Re-Couping" until it is payed back in full to the VA. Lets check into that law and open that can of worms. Because someone passed a law several years ago while "All" the disabled vets were asleep and no one got to question this illegal and unconstitutional act! I have been fighting my case for over four years and will continue. Yes, you get Severance Pay, but when you first check in to the VA for the first time after you leave active service, you Will Not get paid anything until this Severance Pay is Re-Couped. It's a Mess and is run like a mob organization. Please help Expose this huge problem!!! If you want another disability story, e-mail me back. Someone is going to break this story wide open soon, one day! I would like to bring to your attention a VA issue that has not been publicly acknowledged yet. Whether people do or do not know about this issue, their response is, (it's the law). You can ask State Senator Kit Bonds office. They have had my case file for the VA for 130 days as of June 14, 2007. They are apparently getting played as I am by our VA system. "Military Disability Severance Pay". I have been fighting my case since 2003 and am still working on trying to get this worked out. I was permanently injured in 1999 on active duty. I haven't and will not ever be the same again. I don't know what year the congress and senators had a late night vote on taking back Medical Disability Severance Pay from the United States Veterans in this country, but I do know is that this story hasn't broke just yet to the press like Walter Reed. It could have been the Defense Dept. or the Pentagon that came up with this unconstitutional rule. Right now the Defense Dept. is calling it "the current requirement". As far as I am concerned, the talaban or al queda came up with this, Not Our Leaders in the United States! If You politicians get injured at work is your disability severance pay going to be re-couped in full by the VA? Or how about these CEO's and their Severance pay packages? Cars, houses, planes etc etc etc. Are they going to be re-couped by the Gov. until paid in full? What kind of double standard deal is this? "Our Veterans are our Highest priority". Lip service. The Director of the Veterans Affairs should have been fired months ago and all of the bonus money that he awarded his incompetent staff should have been fired also and that money given to the Disabled American Veterans. None of this would be getting Any attention right now if those two reporters hadn't got a hold of the Walter Reed corruption scandal. I am tired of lip service, time limits, we'll get back with you, this Un American attitude towards our Disabled Veterans. R/S Sgt Michael K. Chartier, U.S.M.C. Disabled Veteran
  22. Have any big bull sharks been caught? Deep channel access to the gulf it's only a matter of time. Specially once they come in to breed in the esturaies. I never really thought about them much unitl last year i had an 8 footer bump me in east bay while wadefishing. I high-tailed it out there with my stringer pulled loose in case he was hungry. Shook me up a little. Hasn't stopped from fishing there though.
  23. this was posted by a freind of mine who trains frisbe dogs. Talk about sweet Irony!!!! It's still a little slow here so I thought I would share a true story that happened this past weekend. We were at the dog show at the Reliant Arena in Houston doing frisbee dog demos. This is a huge show with lots of different dog activities, shows, vendors, etc. A lot of organizations and companies have booths to either sell stuff or to let people know who they are and what they do. By the end of day on Saturday the word was spreading fast around the hall to keep an eye on your stuff because there were people going behind the curtains and stealing purses, cell phones, computers, bags, whatever they could find. One of the groups hardest hit was across the aisle from us. The bad thing for the thieves is that the group they stole from was one of Houston's search and rescue groups that was there doing tracking demos. The group called the police. When the cops got there they took out all their tracking dogs and went to work. 2 of the dogs picked up the scent and tracked the thieves through Reliant Arena, out the door, across the parking lot, across the street, into an apartment complex and to the door of an apartment. The theives were arrested and a lot of stolen property was recovered. Sometimes the thieves just steal from the wrong people
  24. Looks it is a sweet spot and well lit. With that shallow flat extending off the sides i'm sure it holds some flounder.
  25. My buddy got this response from a guy in canada when talking about the duck numbers. This is coming from a bird watcher not any gov. source. Here is a quote from someone on another forum that lives near Calgary Alberta about this years duck numbers: "We had over 7 inches of rain in June in less than two weeks but it has been dry ever since. You boys are in for a treat this year with migrating waterfowl as every slough was full to overflowing during nesting season and we are seeing unusually large concentrations on ducks in the prairie pothole country. rumor has it that Saskatchewan is the same story, too many ducks to count." Not from a government official but from someone that watches the birds.
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