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Everything posted by rookie

  1. most of the time the team that makes the fewest errors wins in this game it was the raiders so they should have won. The two outfielders that did not call the ball was just another error. that why we play anybody can make them.
  2. ive also done some checking and the lemaire kid was starting behind the hillin the kid........where is he today whats his status???
  3. walk in the park Lumberton 14 Vidor 4 Lumberton had no errors vidor had 4
  4. sound like if he was thowing over a hundred picthes a game at bronco level he was one of the unfortunate kid to have a coach who didnt know are care maybe his dad should have step in to help.
  5. how can you say he is heads above everyone else if he is out with tommy john :?:
  6. I think lumberton will be strong in the years to come they have one freshman and three sph.on the varsity team all of these guys are doing very well for the team.
  7. are anyone one of these fish starting for the varsity team?
  8. sound like splendora had the bats
  9. what happen to john cooper with splendora 10 to nothing .
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