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Everything posted by Ryaneaux

  1. TD, What does the bracket look like now for yall with two wins under your belt? How many more wins do you need to reach the championship game? Good luck tonight.
  2. Yeah Shepinto your right. I was unaware of the sourlake incident. I got a call from that crazy girlplayer and told me I should read what pdj said about the sbyo. Souhld I strat wirtnig lkie jDp. When she started in saying one grandparent from Orange went to another grandparent from another league and told another grandparent from some where else and what ever else nonsense I lost it. I love my grandparents but I'm sorry, my grandparents gossip on what really happened is like our little forum on steroids. Anyway, go Orange Pinto, I know yall left today, good luck and hope to hear from yall soon. Girlplayer are you gonna start some more smackdown tonight? You need to leave this forum and go to our sbyo forum. jDp's gonna talk about us oRANGE pEoPle AgIan.
  3. JDP, You don't need to give credit to girlplayer for my saying. Smackdown was trademarked by me. Furthermore when you refer to "our" OCYB forum, it's OYBS. Also you were mistaken when you were talking about "our" police dept. having to patrol our games because of "our" crazy parents. In fact "our" police dept. was called because a tc coach during "our" game got upset from a call, said a few cuss words, and told the umpire he would be waiting for him. The umpire gave him the boot and told the tourney director to notify the police. So now since you know the real story you can write a retraction to your previous statement and apologize to the wonderful people of Orange.
  4. Great job Orange 1 & 2. Sorry we couldn't make it tonight to see the game td and chadO. Sounds like it was a good one. Hope to see yall push on to Irving after the Thursday night game.
  5. tchawks, If you have a problem with the Orange Shetland Tournament or any problems with the field maintenance, please come see me so we can discuss it. I do recall having the shetland tourney pushed backed last year in sour lake because of rain. Anyway, come see me, I'll be the one showing you how to run the bases from third. Another thing, why would we post a game where we got beat? I'll be sure to post after the 6pm game if that's o.k. with you?
  6. I would like to thank everyone who has worked extremely hard in getting the field in awesome condition this weekend. We would have not been able play if it weren't for you. I'd like to give special recognition to td for his outstanding field work yesterday. Thanks to him no one in the home dugout got water on their shoes. Great job guys!!!! :o :o
  7. I would like to also congratulate the Orange All-Star Teams playing this weekend. I have really enjoyed myself these past several weeks working with these kids. I think we have a great opportunity to make some noise in this weekends tournament, please hold off rain! I would also like to thank the coaches and parents of our group. They are one of the most supportive and understanding groups I'm been associated with. To td: Don't worry about stacked and pedro. Rules are rules and taking advantage of opportunity when it's "legal" is perfectly o.k. Especially when it comes to your own childs well being. I'll do things all day long, "legally" to better my child. (shame on you if you don't) Stacked has gone to BC and pedro says he's going soon. Go start the uproar over there. It's just amazing how these two gentlemen did the exact same thing and yet complain when others take the same path. Stacked, from what was told to me, put his child on the A's last year. Kudo's to you. Pedro had my child placed on his team (made orange a team), the SS from my last year's team(made orange a team), along with another child from my fall ball team(good player, he didn't make the all-star roster, his mother and I went to school together and she requested me). Plus he had two others request him. That's five total players added to his team. They were not requested to stack a team. They requested that team because they had been on my teams before or were indirectly related to the other coach. Anyway, all that's behind us now. Especially since we had that very informative meeting. Some things just can't be described. I think it will be worth all the drama when we finally get to play on Sunday. Our kids have worked so hard. I'm proud of them no matter what happens. Hopefully my next post will be with a tournament champ picture and a trip to Irving. Good luck to both Orange All-Star Teams.
  8. Oh girlplayer, you mean coaches should actually attempt to care about the other 10 players on their team and not just their own flesh and blood. I don't know that sounds a little crazy. The coaching strategy I witnessed was to promote your own kids as if they were the only ones that took the field. Some people are actually getting pretty good at it. (two years straight) If you decide to give any others on your team the nod, just say something really quick and obsolete so you won't take anything away from your kids. Look, I think coaches such as this and coaches that whine the entire year should remove themselves from the league. If they're unhappy go somewhere else. If they spent half of their time teaching these kids the basics they would realize what coaching is all about. I can't tell you how many times I saw 5 and 6 year olds standing side ways in the batters box (the coach said nothing), not knowing where to throw the ball if it came to them, not knowing where to run once they hit the ball. I actually saw several kids run to the pitchers mound. Now I know we all laugh and think that's cute,and it is funny but it's the result of a coach not doing anything but showing up. If I thought for one minute my kid was going to be coached like that I would have requested my kid be on Green's team too. One more thing, if you have a problem with another adult in this league that's one thing, but to drag his child into this mess is another. I would hate for somebody to get hurt over this childish behavior.
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