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Everything posted by Tee

  1. It is a fact. I assumed since you posted PNG, Vidor, Ned = similar environment and Beaumont, Houston , Dallas= same environment you are referring to the common ground of race? What, then do you define as similar environment. Fact is ethnicities. thats not bad -- just fact.
  2. English has had success at Vidor and Nederland. While we had diverse ethnic make up because of the housing at the Shire, and areas in the city of Pt A. That were NISD. Vidor is an extremely non diverse racial make up. Until you teach/coach in different environments you can't forsee how you/players will accept each other. Hooks, Thompson did it. can English? No one can know. He is a good HS coach, no question.
  3. 50 years goes back to 1965, imo from at least 65-80 we did well here jobs, etc... All with GREAT Democrats like Brooks, Parker, Wilson, etc... as as far as now, jobs are WAY up here, fuel down, interest rates down (good if you need to barrow $) wages fair, just insurance way too exp. and Republicans using too, too ,too many illegals to fuel their low wages which puts more $$$$ in their pockets. make no mistake the big business owning Repubicians are THE #1 benefitting group from these illegals.
  4. Tee


    Agree, the drug dealers or anyone won't stand on corners long in affluent neighborhoods- why? because it doesn't look right so they would get noticed. JUST like if a homeowner from that affluent neighborhood drove down Savannah and Gulfway at 9pm. just the way it is, I had a cigarette route in 1974 down Procter St. You don't think I caught hell? I learned so much there.
  5. Ask someone in the know and you will be SHOCKED!!!!!! ask H-F peeps, they can tell you why.
  6. ​thanks, enough fun for now.
  7. Paul who?? I have never heard/spoken to God or Jesus It is just a book of words on man made paper like a World History text book or the Koran,etc... again, if you choose to believe that -- GREAT -- not everyone else believes that BS - poor Pope and the Rogers brothers from Beaumont who still give tons to the community can they make to Heaven???? Wait!!!!! what about Bishop Guillory, HELL for him too? gonna git crowded down there.
  8. I will agree. Congratulation Coach Spell
  9. when did God tell you this? contrary to your narrow minded views, it IS your belief --and that is GREAT that you believe so strongly. dont confuse what you believe in and FACTS I have to admit I enjoy your input, it is wrong, in my view, but I give you credit -- you are a believer (in what you believe in)
  10. It is all about your belief and that is just all it is -- your beliefs- NOT FACTS_ the Bible, Koran, etc are just books someone wrote. period!! I choose to believe in the Bible, the whole thing not just the New Testement. Colemeshneilfan is a New Test only kinda guy. I disagree, but thats why we have Catholics, Jews, church of christes, Mormans, etc...
  11. ​that's wild!! Never liked Greg looks like he is trying to get $$$ to pay out contract, etc...
  12. ​there you go! I was wondering how he was gonna do it. No wondering about how he got the job though, honestly it is ok, in my view, to get bother-in-lawed in.
  13. Hum??? sound familiar.
  14. K thanks for the input. I am a tax payer too. Just saying, you must admit that a ap, asst FB coach AND head bb coach is unheard of? That is my point, he must be a chosen one. Can you document any other ap/asst FB, head bb coaches in the area? Your turn, and thanks for the back and forth. I am a Landry fan
  15. WHY?   sounds like a argument for Spell.     Will he step down from AP?
  16. Landry/ Green best local.   I was told the SB/Admin told Spell he was chosen last fall.    we will see as the announcement comes public.   I was also told Spell recieves AP pay plus fills out a time card for football hours.  would be interesting to see how much the District (we) paid him last year.   Nephew still there or I would submit a public records request,  it is available.   maybe one of the media folk will do so like they do with BISD???????
  17. Am I correct that according to the Pa. News Robbins told them before the season started? Or just Admin.?
  18. ATHLETES IN PORT NECHES IS HAVING CAMPS TOO!!!!!!   Also many golf camps see Ed Campbell at the Babe in Pt. A  or Jerry Honza at I believe SETJGA .   Athletes does a great job and "head up" a really great Select BB Team.
  19. Tee

    Garland Texas

  20. Tee

    Garland Texas

    Democrats gonna get you just like in Jeff Co last election
  21. Tee

    Garland Texas

    You might be a redneck if.........
  22. we will be having transportation in Beaumont and PtA for voting as we did in the County elections, which we won. (Democrats)    I will post when information is formalized.  we plan on having sack lunches for underprivileged and will plan on a bus from the Hospitality Center (PtA) and Salvation Army (Bmt) for Election Day as well as during Early Voting. 
  23. Tee

    Garland Texas

    Neither  are the Pope, Jews, Scientology, etc...Christian as per your quote above---THINK ABOUT THAT STATEMENT   I am fascinated at your narrow views, I know you believe in them like a rabid dog, I just can not understand how judgmental you are AND proclaim to be Christian when the very content of your post condemn all non church of christ peeps.    And to say the Pope (we have had this jest before) and all Old Test. believers are non christian just blows me away!!!!!!
  24. why did the coach tell some of his counter parts and the SB?   why did Robbins tell he team all.?    you are not naïve to think  they did not know? 
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