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Everything posted by td

  1. The drill team and cheerleaders have to pay around $750 or maybe more. Then they have to do fund raisers on top of that. I think they are trying to cut some of the cost but I'm not sure how that is going. Each softball player in BC this year had to pay $202.00 each. The fee was for helmet, bat bag, practice shirts, etc. If they keep all of that then I think it's fair. If they don't then they shouldn't have to pay. I heard the cheerleaders in BC pay $2000 per year and don't keep the uniforms. Is that true?
  2. The drill team and cheerleaders have to pay around $750 or maybe more. Then they have to do fund raisers on top of that. I think they are trying to cut some of the cost but I'm not sure how that is going.
  3. I think KOGT reported this morning that he took the job.
  4. I was the coach of the Pinto team last year and I don't remember if we went in as the 1 or 2 team. Like my previous post says I look at the bracket and take what I think is best for my team. The 1 team coach has the option to take the position he wants. I haven't talked to those guys so I don't know what they are doing.
  5. I have been the 1 coach and taken the 2 team spot. I look at the bracket and the times of the games and if I think it is better for my team to take the 2 spot then thats what I do.
  6. I can't tell you why but I can tell you that's the way it is every year. It has been for the last 5 years that I know of anyway.
  7. I don't think any of the people here beleive that "3rd teamers" should start simply because of hard work...the element of having your best guys out there comes into play. However, if your "best guys" have oddles of talent and no commitment, and no work ethic, then you must find a way to give them some. Look at it in your workplace...if you have a guy who is "boss' favorite" and he has no incentive to work hard, why should he? How does that affect you? Do you want to strive to do your best, if the house mouse will always get the best and you get the leftovers? It translates the same way to a team. If the starters aren't afraid of being demoted to 2nd or 3rd string, what motiviates them? If they feel there is a guarantee of a starting spot, why work hard? In football, you have to leave the field wide open for advancement. The "3rd teamer" must be almost as good as the first string. That is good coaching. Anyone can take a talented kid and let him play. It takes a heck of a coach to take a raw kid, with little talent, and create a football monster. It takes dedication on the part of the parents, the coach, and the kid. However, the opportunity to move up MUST be there. And playing lazy kids just because they have decent talent brings down a team. Now before all the first string parents jump my case, if your kid is hitting the weight room, running, and doing all the rest of the things necessary to excel, guess what? I'M NOT TALKING ABOUT YOUR KID! If, however, your kid knows of a teammate that is there on talent alone, and feels they don't have to work hard, then it needs to be addressed. There was a kid on last year's team that embodied the work ethic, and it showed on the field. If you were to look at him, you wouldn't think "bad butt", but on the field, that was exactly what he was to opposing players. This year's team needs to look at JV as the example of work ethic, and copy and embody that. All of them, from 1st string to 10th string. Then, with that example in mind, they can come out and play ball like they should... WINNING should be enough to motivate an athlete. I really don't mean this ugly, it really is just a question. You said they should look at the JV for an example of work ethic. Didn't the JV only score one touchdown last year? Now I know that doesn't mean they didn't work hard. But if you have guys that are working so hard that you want to use them as an example and that team only scores one touchdown then you have bigger problems. I see that you were talking about a young man when you said use JV as an example.
  8. I don't think any of the people here beleive that "3rd teamers" should start simply because of hard work...the element of having your best guys out there comes into play. However, if your "best guys" have oddles of talent and no commitment, and no work ethic, then you must find a way to give them some. Look at it in your workplace...if you have a guy who is "boss' favorite" and he has no incentive to work hard, why should he? How does that affect you? Do you want to strive to do your best, if the house mouse will always get the best and you get the leftovers? It translates the same way to a team. If the starters aren't afraid of being demoted to 2nd or 3rd string, what motiviates them? If they feel there is a guarantee of a starting spot, why work hard? In football, you have to leave the field wide open for advancement. The "3rd teamer" must be almost as good as the first string. That is good coaching. Anyone can take a talented kid and let him play. It takes a heck of a coach to take a raw kid, with little talent, and create a football monster. It takes dedication on the part of the parents, the coach, and the kid. However, the opportunity to move up MUST be there. And playing lazy kids just because they have decent talent brings down a team. Now before all the first string parents jump my case, if your kid is hitting the weight room, running, and doing all the rest of the things necessary to excel, guess what? I'M NOT TALKING ABOUT YOUR KID! If, however, your kid knows of a teammate that is there on talent alone, and feels they don't have to work hard, then it needs to be addressed. There was a kid on last year's team that embodied the work ethic, and it showed on the field. If you were to look at him, you wouldn't think "bad butt", but on the field, that was exactly what he was to opposing players. This year's team needs to look at JV as the example of work ethic, and copy and embody that. All of them, from 1st string to 10th string. Then, with that example in mind, they can come out and play ball like they should... WINNING should be enough to motivate an athlete. I really don't mean this ugly, it really is just a question. You said they should look at the JV for an example of work ethic. Didn't the JV only score one touchdown last year? Now I know that doesn't mean they didn't work hard. But if you have guys that are working so hard that you want to use them as an example and that team only scores one touchdown then you have bigger problems.
  9. Who is it????????????
  10. You should offer him a scholarship!! I didn't understand your post. You said he should transfer to a better school. Angelina is a 2 year school he will have to transfer to continue playing. Then you said he COULD be D1 material in the FUTURE. In the future is when he will have to transferso why would you want him to transfer now when you don't think he is D1 material??????????????????????????? All of that being said, unless you are a college coach or a scout it really doesn't matter if you think he is D1 material or not. Stay where you are and keep up the good work.
  11. Congratulations! These guys have really coached these kids this year.
  12. Good luck Coach! I believe in you. We can return to what we once were. We need a leader and I believe you're the man. We need to bring back the fundamentals and I believe you're the man for that too. Bring back the tradition and the alumni and you will be on your way. Thanks for bringing back the Certa-Bearden tournament. It's important to alot of us that played during Coach Beardens days. There are alot of us that are a phone call away. td
  13. You might want to change your dates. You posted this on May 18th I think and said tryouts were March 1st. That seems a bit confusing.
  14. My 7 and 9 year olds are playing both this year in different leagues. They play together on a select team. It's very time consuming for me to coach all three teams but it has been a pleasure. I am glad it's starting to come to an end. They both say they want to only play select baseball next year. If that's what they want that's more than fine with me. However, we will still spend time out at the OYBS ballpark. There is something to be said for them just hanging out and playing wall ball with their friends. Eating nachos and good greasy hamburgers. Not to mention the snowcones and chasing foul balls. Those are the things I don't want them to miss. As far as the competition, there is no question where the best competition is.
  15. Congratulations to the Twins. If I have to lose, and it stinks, then I guess losing to the Twins is as good as losing can be. It was a great game to be in. They have a good coaching staff and a great bunch of kids. Again, job well done guys.
  16. The game of baseball is played as a team sport. I'm not sure about your experience with select baseball but mine has been very good. Maybe you have played maybe you are just throwing out something that you think and really don't have any knowledge of. Whatever the situation, you are lumping a whole group into one. What you are saying is that every kid and every select team doesn't learn the team concept. You are wrong my friend. First of all I would caution anyone from lumping any group and making an assumption on the whole group. I can promise you any kid that plays for me, league or select learns to play as a team player. There are alot of super talented kids that know how to play as a team player. The type of kid you are talking about wouldn't be a team player regardless of him playing select ball. You missed an important part of my post TD..."in the local sense". By it's nature, select ball takes talented kids and makes them more talented, but it takes them from different areas of the Golden Triangle. They are team players, they know how to play as a team, but they don't grow up together "locally" as a team. Where the league ball component comes in is where they get to play with non select kids that are going to be their teammates in high school, learning to play with players that either are pretty good, or are as talented as them but chose not to play select ball. Both components enhance the ball playing experience. I get your point a little more but I still disagree. At OYBS we have kids from WOS, LCM, Bridge City, Deweyville and Vinton. Probably some more areas that I just can't think of. These kids will not play high school ball together. I think people put too much emphasis on who they will play with in high school. Most of these kids won't even play high school baseball and who knows where they will live at that point anyway. It is my job as a parent to put my children in the best situations that I can. I take that responsibility very seriously not only with sports but life in general. I can see your point about being a parent, and wanting the best for your kid. I just beleive that exposing them to both select and league ball will give them the best possible situation. I agreed with that also. That's why both of my boys are playing both. However, I just don't see how it will be possible to continue to do both. There is not enough of me to go around. They play in two different age groups in league ball and it's too hard to coach both. I'm doing it this year but when there is a rain out it messes up the whole schedule and then you feel like you are cheating one age group or the other. Not to mention that the only way to do that is that you have to be the VP of one of the leagues so you can make sure the schedules don't conflict. Good luck doing it your way. I tried it and now I will have to do it another way.
  17. The game of baseball is played as a team sport. I'm not sure about your experience with select baseball but mine has been very good. Maybe you have played maybe you are just throwing out something that you think and really don't have any knowledge of. Whatever the situation, you are lumping a whole group into one. What you are saying is that every kid and every select team doesn't learn the team concept. You are wrong my friend. First of all I would caution anyone from lumping any group and making an assumption on the whole group. I can promise you any kid that plays for me, league or select learns to play as a team player. There are alot of super talented kids that know how to play as a team player. The type of kid you are talking about wouldn't be a team player regardless of him playing select ball. You missed an important part of my post TD..."in the local sense". By it's nature, select ball takes talented kids and makes them more talented, but it takes them from different areas of the Golden Triangle. They are team players, they know how to play as a team, but they don't grow up together "locally" as a team. Where the league ball component comes in is where they get to play with non select kids that are going to be their teammates in high school, learning to play with players that either are pretty good, or are as talented as them but chose not to play select ball. Both components enhance the ball playing experience. I get your point a little more but I still disagree. At OYBS we have kids from WOS, LCM, Bridge City, Deweyville and Vinton. Probably some more areas that I just can't think of. These kids will not play high school ball together. I think people put too much emphasis on who they will play with in high school. Most of these kids won't even play high school baseball and who knows where they will live at that point anyway. It is my job as a parent to put my children in the best situations that I can. I take that responsibility very seriously not only with sports but life in general.
  18. The game of baseball is played as a team sport. I'm not sure about your experience with select baseball but mine has been very good. Maybe you have played maybe you are just throwing out something that you think and really don't have any knowledge of. Whatever the situation, you are lumping a whole group into one. What you are saying is that every kid and every select team doesn't learn the team concept. You are wrong my friend. First of all I would caution anyone from lumping any group and making an assumption on the whole group. I can promise you any kid that plays for me, league or select learns to play as a team player. There are alot of super talented kids that know how to play as a team player. The type of kid you are talking about wouldn't be a team player regardless of him playing select ball.
  19. Glad to see there are teams coming. I have a Pinto team that will be in it. I had to miss (ok I chose to miss it)the Mustang tournament for a well deserved trip to Talladega and a little Nascar. My little team is undefeated but we just don't play very consistant. The team to beat in Orange is the Twins coached by Chad Broussard. Does anyone know how the Orange Mustang teams are doing? I wish it would have worked out for us to play in that tournament. We have a good Mustang team too. However the team to beat in Orange is the Astro's coached by Brian McCorvey and Steve Pesek. Well, so much for comming in under the radar. > Just go ahead and put a bullseye on our back. Thanks TD. ;D Just trying to take care of you. I was thinking about showing it to your team about a week before we play yall.
  20. Glad to see there are teams coming. I have a Pinto team that will be in it. I had to miss (ok I chose to miss it)the Mustang tournament for a well deserved trip to Talladega and a little Nascar. My little team is undefeated but we just don't play very consistant. The team to beat in Orange is the Twins coached by Chad Broussard. Does anyone know how the Orange Mustang teams are doing? I wish it would have worked out for us to play in that tournament. We have a good Mustang team too. However the team to beat in Orange is the Astro's coached by Brian McCorvey and Steve Pesek.
  21. How can it be a two team race? If Vidor beats PNG and then LCM beats Vidor, not to mention there are still games to be played, the district is still up in the air as far as I'm concerned. Unless I've missed something.
  22. Congratulations boys and to the coaches as well.
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