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Everything posted by td

  1. We are a 9U team in Orange and we are looking for a few players. If you have a kid that's interested please pm me. We will start playing tournaments in February and play 1 or two a month through June. Most tournaments will be in Beaumont or Lake Charles with maybe one or two in Houston.
  2. Why did he leave? Was this his first or second year to be gone?
  3. Can you possibly be serious? Going to every game since 2000 qualifies you to decide who should call the plays and what plays to call. Are you being serious or are you joking?
  4. This is a message board. It's made for people to post. Until someone decides that you get to decide who gets to post on what subject I think we should all post on whatever subject we feel like posting on.
  5. Are yall in business? If so, is this how you run your business? I would really like to know. Yall do realize that it has to be run like a business, right?
  6. SETEX Demons Looking for Coaches « on: November 14, 2007, 05:30:14 PM » Quote -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The SETEX Demons are looking for an Offensive Corr. and QB Coach or a combination of both. Anyone intersted please email or contact Chip Pierce @ 409 338-5399 or James LeBlanc @ 409 338-5330. The job does pay by the way. We are no longer Semi Pro. Report to moderator Logged td Senior Karma: +35/-16 Posts: 468 Re: SETEX Demons Looking for Coaches « Reply #1 on: Today at 09:57:35 AM » Quote Modify Remove -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Do you know how many OC's we have in the stands at WOS. You should go to the high school football thread and post this there. I know there are about 5 candidates that are without a doubt (according to them) better than the one at WOS. They definately know what plays to run better than he does anyway.
  7. Or unfaithful!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. If he does leave I think it means NOMO BOJO ;D
  9. Good luck Dayton. Send the boys off right and bring home a victory.
  10. If he does return it will be interesting to see if yall talk about him when we lose like yall talk about the one we have now. My guess is nothing will change but the name. The complaining will continue when we lose.
  11. We don't have enough players to red shirt anyone. But the ones we have make it seem like we have twice as many as we do.
  12. Aren't all freshman, TRUE FRESHMAN in high school?????????
  13. I think it will be 15-18 years before the RITA football players get here
  14. I think we can look a little deeper than 3 years, Coop. The 7th and 8th grade teams were really good. They have some kids that are going to be special. Not only that if you look at the youth league teams they won championships in every division but the jr division.
  15. Boy I hope they are too. They are the last ones standing.
  16. How many are coaches? I'm not saying he's good or bad. I don't know. I'm a baseball guy. I think you have to have more information than you are getting in the stands to decide if he is making the calls much less the right calls. I also don't think it's the right thing to do by publicly bashing him in front of his players. For them to be successful they need to believe and or buy into his plan. Your post just makes that a little more difficult. If you graduated in 2000 you should have your bachelors degree by now even if you followed in my footsteps . Knowing what you and the "TONS OF PEOPLE" know you should be ready for a coaching job. All I can say is I'm glad no one picks my every move apart like you and the "TON OF PEOPLE" do his.
  17. Then why don't you go coach?
  18. How many people in the stands are actual coaches. How many of them can get the play in (the right play) along with the personel in 25 seconds. Not to mention all of the other things that have to be considered such as match ups, what down is it , how many yards to we need, how much time until the game is over or halftime.
  19. 3rd round of the playoffs and it's considered doing something that didn't work. Unfortunately only one team will get to end with a win.
  20. You always have the best post.
  21. I was completely wrong about the LCM football season.
  22. The difference is we don't care. You can have that and more as long as we win by 1.
  23. I'm going to ride the Mustangs until I can't ride anymore. If the L train is still running I will certainly try to find me a seat. Good Luck this week!
  24. He knows the stats, I guarantee. He's just being a tool.
  25. Congratulations Coach Young. You deserve it. I hope I can be there for the induction. If I hadn't played for Ronnie Anderson I would have chosen to play for you. Not only a great coach but a great man. He, like Coach Anderson were there to help kids. Kids that played for him and the other area kids that didn't play for him. A true teacher of the game. Tony Dallas
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