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Everything posted by td

  1. Walk through the schools at WOS as I do every single morning. See the kids that didn't get enough sleep or a good nights sleep. See the kids that are crying. You have no idea and I can only imagine what they went through the night before or the morning before school. See the kids that just want a hug. For all I know it may be the only positive attention they get all day. I hope it's not but it just might be. I'm talking about younger kids not older.
  2. You are absolutely right about that. He should be applauded for doing what he thiks is right. Regardless if anyone agrees with him. My issue is with his statement that the kidsw at LCM have God given talent after high school. Saying that the kids from WOS don't. There are turds everywhere. There are good kids everywhere. There are bad kids everywhere. There are smart kids everywhere. There are not so smart kids everywhere.
  3. Your children may have gone to school at WOS but you have no idea what goes on. Do you really think socioeconomics has nothing to do with it? My kids go to school at WOS and I'll put their scores up against anyones. I'm not saying they are smarter or better than anyone, I'm just saying that the education is just as good. What you are able to learn during the day just might have something to do with how you spent your night and your morning.
  4. Let me know what size shirt you wear and I'll be sure you have one for our next home game. You look better in blue and silver anyway.
  5. Alot of the things said between LCM and WOS are out of spite. That's part of what makes the cross town rivalry.
  6. WOS doesn't think that they are a push over. They will come in prepared.
  7. That is the kind of coach that builds Champions. Call out the ones that need to step up. Good luck Dayton. I know with a coach like that, you will be putting in the work needed to get the job done.
  8. Thus the smiley! ;D
  9. I predict 3A WOS in an upset over 4A LCM on their home turf ;D
  10. If only it were leagal to bet!
  11. Thanks but no thanks, freak. Coach Dave, J and C and myself will have a great view from the WOS sideline. I refuse to comment on the other part because one day it may come back to haunt me.
  12. It's not what the WOS coaches think either. They are expecting him to play if he's not too tired from running.
  13. If he were in college he would have to be out. I have to say I like your post. Say it with conviction and people will believe it.
  14. I'm in charge of the Pinto league. Neither the Pinto nor the Shetland league had enough kids to sign up. I know they have been holding out trying to get more kids. I just got the Pinto list on Friday and called all of the parents so I could get them their money back. If you don't hear anything by Tuesday send me a private message and I will see what I can do to help you.
  15. Congrats Clay. I know all of southeast Texas is proud. Especially Lumberton.
  16. What really mattered was 22-14 not who won what when.
  17. Win by 1 or win by 40, we would still be 2-0.
  18. If you are talking about coaches pushing kids back then I saw that on both sides. That was seperate the kids not to harm any of them. Thats what I saw coaches from both sides doing. I didn't see a coach from either side trying to harm a kid. Let's not make this a bigger story than it was.
  19. If you saw a WOS coach punch a player then you saw something I didn't.
  20. Are you saying yall will win if he plays? Who is it and what is his number?
  21. I bet we still get to see some of the passing game. I like the short version much better than over the top. Atleast last night anyway. I know we have to show both.
  22. Was there a ruling or what is the story?
  23. Alwys more than just J/C.
  24. Still sounds better than being stuck in the house with hellfire and damnation on a rainy day. These boys need something to do.
  25. Not if it's raining. I guess I'll just stay here and watch a little college football. Try to keep the kids in line.
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