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Everything posted by td

  1. If Groves National is Little League then why do they play in the PONY tournaments? I played Little League and we had our own all-star playoffs. Congratulations to both teams.
  2. I've always been calm enough to coach kids. I still don't have the patience to deal with some of the things the adults bring to the table. Such as all of the mess that is going on with the OYBS shetland. There are alot of those people that aren't doing what's right for ALL kids. Plenty of those guys are in this for the wrong reason. Making deals and deciding who and who not to vote for before you even know who is going to be put up for all-stars. Having a secret meeting telling a coach if you take my son then I'll vote for who you want me to. Cudo's for the coach that turned that deal down and said he wanted the 12 best. Sorry but you didn't get the 12 best.
  3. I hope this is the last time I reply to this subject. I went back and read all the post again and it drives me crazy that "Stacked" said what he said. He moved his child to a new team also and that team was the A's. Not to mention if you have a problem with the decisions I make as a parent call me, email me or come by my office. I'm not hiding behind a screen name and I'm very easy to get in contact with. Everyone knows who you are and now you have nothing to say because you can't hide any more. Don't be a coward now that you've been found out.
  4. You are correct that it is wrong more often than it's right. That being said, we did get it right this year at OYBS (PINTO only) and I'm very proud of each of our coaches. Thank you coaches for giving us the best chance to represent Orange.
  5. I don't think he meant anything by his "B" team comment either. What everyone has to realize is that if the coaches do their job right when they pick all-stars, then the best kid on the B team shouldn't be as good as the worst kid on the A team. Picking all-stars is a very difficult thing. It's hard to evaluate kids that are as young as 5-8 and even older. However, as a coach that's one of the things we must do. If all coaches would take the politics and the "side deals" out of it and choose the 12 best kids then all of the leagues would be better.
  6. Thanks for the compliments. Yall will be fine. After yall beat up on some teams we really would like to get some scrimmage time. Let us know when you want to do it. Tony
  7. I know who he is and he should be ashamed of what he has said. Now he is trying to hide behind saying that he was just doing it to get conversation started. He moved his child to the A's last year. Now he wants to hide behind a screen name and stir things up when his son no longer plays in our league. Stacked, you moved your son to Bridge City Little League so get involved over there and we will continue to try to do the best we can do to keep things straight at OYBS. If people would spend their time trying to make things better instead of keeping things stirred up all leagues would be better off. Get on a board, hold a position and have a voice. It can make a difference!
  8. Thanks piratefan. We played good defense most of the weekend but fell apart defensively in the championship game. The team that beat us played better than we did and won. I still have to figure out a way to get the bats going like they do at practice. Let me know if yall want to scrimmage sometime. All in all not to bad for a bunch of kids that played their first game together this weekend.
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