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Everything posted by td

  1. Ya'll are making me sick! What's up with all da love? 8) Can't wait to hear the smack talking if/when we meet up. Should be alot of fun. TD, Since "P" is half WOS-Mom/Vidor-Dad (51% black and Gold )I might borrow a Blue and Silver shirt that weekend.. ;D I recommend it.
  2. Ya'll are making me sick! What's up with all da love? 8) Can't wait to hear the smack talking if/when we meet up. Should be alot of fun.
  3. I think the reason it works is because you are from Vidor and I am from WOS. Apparently we are both way overrated when it comes to high school football. ;D
  4. Why don't some of you go back and read my post. I have never said anything bad about the kids or the coaches. I always praise them. It's you fair weather fans who are quick to judge when something does'nt go your way. Not to mention that some of you don't even live there anymore. I can promise you, this is not about WOS. So you are taking AAW's place on this thread?
  5. Well technicaly, a Mustang doesnt have a tail, its more of a bunch of hair coming out of their...... Speaking of that isn't it odd how that long hair just grows right there. Why isn't the rest of their hair that long? ;D ;D ;D
  6. don't even start, you had the best refs money could buy best refs your crazy they sucked so bad every time l-town had a big play it came back thats the only reason we lost and the field goal situation Don't forget that they also scored more points than yall did. ;D
  7. Warning: Boring Analysis Ahead. Nederland Gold. They are 4-2. If they lose out, they will be 4-4 overall but 3-2 in the division. This may be good enough to qualify for one of the two Divisional Spots (by virtue of Tie-Breakers) but 4-4 will not be good enough to even get in the Wild Card Tie-Breaker mix. If they win out, then they will take the #1 spot out of Division 3. If they split, they will take the #2 playoff spot at worst (maybe still the #1). Little Cypress. They are 2-4. Winning out will likely get them in the playoffs with a 4-1 Conf Record, but 4-4 will not be in the Wild Card mix. Orangefield and Kountze. They are 2-4 and but unlike Little Cypress, they already have 2 Conf losses each. They will need to win out and then hope that things fall their way in other match-ups to even have a shot at the Divisional Playoff spots. Vidor Black. 3-3 overall, but 1-2 in Conf. If Vidor Black wins out, then they will be 5-3, but only 3-2 in Conf. They could lose the Conf tie-breaker to one of the 4-4 teams becuase of Head to Head. However, 5-3 will likely be the record that gets the 2 Wild Card spots. But it could still come down to Head-to-Head or Points Allowed. Does any of this make sense? And feel free to disagree as always. Thanks 23..I had to read it twice, but I do understand..thanks for the hard work you have been putting in..I will put a good word into my friends at WOS for you .. I just hope 23 isn't charging us by the hour for his analysis. ;D I like your dedication to the rankings it has been alot of fun and gives us all something to do other than complain about each other.
  8. We like daddy23 but we are hoping that he will take it easy on us. They have only lost 1 game. We just hope we can compete and now you are predicting an upset. 98 we need to make sure we get all of our practices in this week. I think Vidor white should attend the Orange Lions Club Charity Carnival Friday night and stay out late. ;D
  9. OF beat LCM 13-6 maybe 14-6 either way OF won. PNG white beat Lum. red 28-0. Anything else you boys need over there you just let me know.
  10. That pretty much sums it up. Oh and the WOS posters keep saying everyone hates them. Not me! Everyone loves me. ;D ;D ;D I love you man! ;D :'( I can always count on you!
  11. That pretty much sums it up. Oh and the WOS posters keep saying everyone hates them. Not me! Everyone loves me. ;D ;D ;D
  12. TD..............you undercover as PANTHERMOM? ;D ;D I was hoping no one would notice. I'm sure I will be bashed or accused of poking fun at her. BTW I wasn't doing that.
  13. I disagree with you on this matter. I dont think that the issue is that he or anyone else on here is jealous of your program. AAW is a very opiniated person that not only has no problem speaking his mind but I think enjoys giving you his opinion about a matter. AAW enjoying debating football and is looking for anyone that is willing to spare with him. I think that your arrogance is calling him out more so than he is hating on your program. I have no beef with WOS football and want to support it very much, but its comments like this "We aren't buying it. He's just a joke. Mustang fans are used to it. We've been hated on for years. And by hated, I mean envied." that makes it hard to stomach WOS. I understand completely how he feels and I can promise you its not jealousy. If you would spend less time at the helm of your program boasting about its greatness and calling out anyone who is not bowing to your greatness jealous then you probably wouldnt have people like AAW constantly looking to say something bad about your program. : The "greatness" of WO-S' football program is not seen by most, especially if you don't have boys that have gone through the program. It's really not JUST about football. I know that some of you may not understand it, but until you live in this district and these men/coaches have the impact that they do on most of these young men/athletes...you won't. I know that there are some who boasts about WO-S' greatness, but I think that there are far more who simply don't give WO-S the credit they may deserve. Our football program does still own the title Winningest Football Program in the State of Texas-all classifications and we do go to the playoffs most years. We really don't need to BOAST about anything because our records speak for themselves, but don't misunderstand "boasting" and all the blab that we get accused of for just pride and coming to the defense of our program when need be. But, we could post on here all day...and will still get blasted...that is something that we're used to. Thanks for thinking about us!! Nice comments stang4life, I highlighted your words of "It's really not JUST about football". That statement is very true and I'm not talking about just at WOS...that statement should hold true anywhere. In the past, the coaches at WOS have used football to teach life lessons and get kids on track with their lives. It sounds to me like the new volleyball coach has turned around a program that hasn't won in two years into a very competitive above average 12-7 at this point in the season. Does she not deserve the same respect and opportunity to teach life lessons as well? Another poster danced around the idea that "Let's be real honest, Girl's athletics don't matter as much as boys sports." Please. This is a story more about values than about volleyball. How WOS handles this in the next week will tell the true story. Slam, you are assuming that she isn't getting the same opportunity to teach these life lessons. We don't know if she agrees or disagrees with this. What you quoted was somewhat out of context as I remember it. I'm not interested enough to go back and find the quote so I may be wrong. If I am wrong I fully expect you and 20 other people to let me know. ;D The other poster stated that it was obvious that girls athletics didn't matter as much and used attendance by fans at the games as an example of people showing that they weren't as important. I don't think (and I hope I'm right) that most people feel like that. I know I don't and I know you don't. td, I'm not assuming that she's not getting the same opportunities to teach life lessons, I'm saying that this IS ONE opportunity that seems to be taken from her. We can only assume her position by her "no comment". You are right in the fact that I may have taken that posters quote "somewhat" out of context. ;D I apologize to the poster, but I didn't think her explanation quantified the statement. I guess in a nutshell my point is that only the tiniest fraction of high school athletes will ever be able to use sports as an income or living. (Some go on to bigger and better things like their own insurance business. ) With that in mind, for the overwhelming majority of high school athletes, the most important part of their playing days are the life lessons and camaraderie with teammates and coaches. I'm sure you have a million stories about WOS baseball. What if your most memorable moment on the diamond had not taken place because the game had been forfeited? This is a story about poor planning and not taking care of business ahead of time. I absolutely agree with your last statement. I just don't see it the same way as some others do about this being taken away from her. If I understand yall, you think that the coach doesn't approve of this? I don't know if she does or doesn't but for some reason it just isn't as clear to me as it seems to others that she disagrees. Maybe it's my thick skull. On another note, it would not have happened at WOS in baseball during my days, period. Too many dedicated athletes. The difference is these girls are dedicated to cheer and dance. It's kind of funny that this is coming up because you can't truly committ to two different things if they conflict you will have to choose one over the other. Just as in youth baseball, it's hard to play league and select. League allstars is the same time as select State and World Series. Therefore, you have to abandon one or the other.
  15. as much as i get tired of band geeks whining about football programs getting preference it is THIS kind of tripe that feeds their rationale. your analogy is bad - are the football players in your hypothetical also on the cheerleading squad? nope. that would be a season-long conflict wouldnt it? or wait, they could cheer between plays right? you may hold volleyball in higher esteem than cheerleading or drill team, but then you probably didnt participate in those activities did you? I have to agree with one thing about your post. That is.....it seems you have received a good education. I am surprised you got away with instructing one of your coaches. Informing or notifying them would be a more preferred method. Anyway you were doing quite well until you chose to write paragraph to too two. You may have underestimated in your charges or accusations that they also might be well educated. Just an observation. Main Entry: in·struct Pronunciation: \in-ˈstrəkt\ Function: transitive verb Etymology: Middle English, from Latin instructus, past participle of instruere, from in- + struere to build — more at structure Date: 15th century 1 : to give knowledge to 2 : to provide with authoritative information or advice 3 : to give an order or command to : direct Seeing as how it was my choice and therefore within my power to decide whether I would participate in one, both, or neither of those activities, I fail to see how using instruct to describe the manner in which I informed them of the circumstances was a poor choice of verbiage. As to your critique of the second paragraph: what does me dropping capitalization (which actually occurred in 1) and using numerals instead of spelling out numbers (also started in 1) have to do with homonyms? I certainly didn't erroneously interchange any. Was this your feeble attempt to look like you gots smartzes? "I think the Bulldogs played excellent considering 7 freakin turnovers and losing their QB." It's unassailable and has universal applicability regardless of the topic - bonus!! ;D ;D
  16. What volumes does it speak? I take the "no comment" the exact opposite as most everyone on here. i don't see how the volleyball coach would be OK with losing a game this way. To me, the no comment was a way to not say something to throw someone under the bus. Or maybe didn't want to have to explain her position.
  17. Not knowing the whole story, it's hard to point fingers. I think the VB game should be played. We don't know what Coach Kelly's thoughts are. I'm not real sure we know what Coach Hooks thoughts are. We do know what the girls thoughts are and the parents thoughts are (what was reported anyway). It could have been resolved had someone attended to this situation long ago. So basically unless I get more info, I'm going to sit right here on the fence and wish and think the VB game should be played.
  18. Although, I agree with what your saying about commitment, I don't think this had anything to do with VB coach. Her no comment actually translates to "I cannot speak about this because I'm really pissed and will lose my job for telling my real opinion". ;D ;D Are you sure about this statement? Nope.....but it will look pretty bad if the volleyball coach agreed to walk away........don't ya think?? 20 pages into this thread it looks bad regardless if we find anything else out or not.
  19. What volumes does it speak? I take the "no comment" the exact opposite as most everyone on here.
  20. Not trying to deflect but I don't think at LCM you can Cheer and play VB. I never understood that until now.
  21. good point coop, in 21-3a let's name the one sport that matters. wos- football and softball bc-softball, football and baseball of-girls basketball, girls softball hj-girls and boys basketball, girls and boys baseball, football hf-not sure silsbee-If it moves their fans will support it fill in the blank on the school's sport that matter, girls or boys. I put in red what i have witnessed in regards to support. WOS baseball is coming back baby!!!!!
  22. Although, I agree with what your saying about commitment, I don't think this had anything to do with VB coach. Her no comment actually translates to "I cannot speak about this because I'm really pissed and will lose my job for telling my real opinion". ;D ;D Are you sure about this statement?
  23. I disagree with you on this matter. I dont think that the issue is that he or anyone else on here is jealous of your program. AAW is a very opiniated person that not only has no problem speaking his mind but I think enjoys giving you his opinion about a matter. AAW enjoying debating football and is looking for anyone that is willing to spare with him. I think that your arrogance is calling him out more so than he is hating on your program. I have no beef with WOS football and want to support it very much, but its comments like this "We aren't buying it. He's just a joke. Mustang fans are used to it. We've been hated on for years. And by hated, I mean envied." that makes it hard to stomach WOS. I understand completely how he feels and I can promise you its not jealousy. If you would spend less time at the helm of your program boasting about its greatness and calling out anyone who is not bowing to your greatness jealous then you probably wouldnt have people like AAW constantly looking to say something bad about your program. : The "greatness" of WO-S' football program is not seen by most, especially if you don't have boys that have gone through the program. It's really not JUST about football. I know that some of you may not understand it, but until you live in this district and these men/coaches have the impact that they do on most of these young men/athletes...you won't. I know that there are some who boasts about WO-S' greatness, but I think that there are far more who simply don't give WO-S the credit they may deserve. Our football program does still own the title Winningest Football Program in the State of Texas-all classifications and we do go to the playoffs most years. We really don't need to BOAST about anything because our records speak for themselves, but don't misunderstand "boasting" and all the blab that we get accused of for just pride and coming to the defense of our program when need be. But, we could post on here all day...and will still get blasted...that is something that we're used to. Thanks for thinking about us!! Nice comments stang4life, I highlighted your words of "It's really not JUST about football". That statement is very true and I'm not talking about just at WOS...that statement should hold true anywhere. In the past, the coaches at WOS have used football to teach life lessons and get kids on track with their lives. It sounds to me like the new volleyball coach has turned around a program that hasn't won in two years into a very competitive above average 12-7 at this point in the season. Does she not deserve the same respect and opportunity to teach life lessons as well? Another poster danced around the idea that "Let's be real honest, Girl's athletics don't matter as much as boys sports." Please. This is a story more about values than about volleyball. How WOS handles this in the next week will tell the true story. Slam, you are assuming that she isn't getting the same opportunity to teach these life lessons. We don't know if she agrees or disagrees with this. What you quoted was somewhat out of context as I remember it. I'm not interested enough to go back and find the quote so I may be wrong. If I am wrong I fully expect you and 20 other people to let me know. ;D The other poster stated that it was obvious that girls athletics didn't matter as much and used attendance by fans at the games as an example of people showing that they weren't as important. I don't think (and I hope I'm right) that most people feel like that. I know I don't and I know you don't.
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